Friday, January 3, 2020

Impact Of Advertising On Children, Branding, And Abuse

QU DACHEN Instructor: Ian Ruston Ling 200 March 14, 2015 Final Draft Advertising With the advent of commerce, advertisement, which is a form of communication that delivers the information of product to audience and to persuade audience to do some specific action, appeared. At that time, the market is limited so that cries to attract enough customers demand amount. However, with the development of technologies, the advent of long-distance communication devices provides a broader market. The buyers are not narrow to citizen in a town but expand to nation, even to the world. To attract buyers, the modern advertisement was created. Because of the widespread of advertisements, they can easily influent society. There are three issues of advertisement impact our society. The issues are impact on children, branding, and abuse. The first issue of advertisement is the impact on children. Because our life is full of advertisements, children are able to see ads more easily than past. Thus, the impact of ads to children is highly concerned by society. One of plenty reasons, which make society highly sensitive, is that children are lack of ability of fully understanding the ads that they are dealing with. (Baker Smith, 2001) In David Crary’s article (2007), the author mentions that The Department of Health and Human Services 5are using Shrek in the ads to passing a message which children need go out and do exercise to keep healthy. In this case, government uses Shrek to attractShow MoreRelatedAdvertising Strategies For The Highest Product Sales1182 Words   |  5 PagesThesis: Advertising strategies that lead to the highest product sales are the ones that utilize effective branding and represent products honestly and clearly, capture the viewers’ attention, and remain in viewers’ memories. Advertisers spend millions of dollars creating effective television ads and commercials so consumers will purchase their products. 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