Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cheaper by the Dozen :: essays papers

Cheaper by the DozenThe book Cheaper by the Dozen written by Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr. andErnestine Gilbreth Carey was the life story of the Gilbreth family ahead Mr. Gilbreth died. Frank Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbrethwere two of the twelve children. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbreth, bothindustrial engineers, ran a firm, Gilbreth, Inc. which was employed asefficiency experts by major industrial plants in the linked States,Britain, and Germany.Mr. and Mrs. Gilbreth had twelve children, six girls and six boys.The names of the children are Anne, Ernestine, Frank, Bill, Lillian,Martha, Jack, Jane, Fred, Mart, Bob, and Dan. The older childrensjob is to take care of the youngest and the mother took care of theintermediate children and babies.Nothing was consider more than a sin than wasting time, that is whythe father, Frank, times himself trying to go as fast as he canwith almost everything. He clock himself buttoning his shirtto see which way is faster, top-bottom or bottom-top. He timedh imself shaving to see which way took longer, using two brushesto apply the shaving cream of one. He found that two werefaster. Frank, the father also experiment on which ways wasfaster, using two razors of one. He found that one was faster,because with two he orient himself so many times it took him twiceas much time to cover the cuts up.The book talked about how smart Frank, the Father was. Hepainted mores reckon on the w boths of their summerhouse to teachit to his children. When the children decoded the messagewritten on the wall, it revealed a clue that tells the childwho decoded it where a prize was hidden. He painted also allof the planets and stars you can see in the sky on the walls oftheir summerhouse to teach his kids astrology.A neat power that the father, Frank, had was that as soon as he go through at a person he would know their nationality. When everthe family would go somewhere were you would have to hire by theperson, such as a toll bridge, Frank, the fat her, would takeone look at the person and know that their nationality wasIrish. The father, Frank, would say, do my Irishmen comecheaper by the dozen? The owner would probably say,Irishmen? If you are Irish, you should not pay a toll on myroad. Your trip is on the house.At the end of the book the father, Frank is called for work in

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