Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Professionals Of Construction Industry Construction Essay Example For Students
The Professionals Of Construction Industry Construction Essay The Professionalism in Constructions is a mix of inferred significant exercises of experts . This is mainly related with their occupation endeavors, for example, ; a functioning introduction of the qualities of experts, other than the level of polished skill can be assessed how fruitful you are in your occupation what's more it very well may be chosen how others position on you and how far you have created in your considering degree each piece great. Outline1 Some particular experts in building industry, for delineation ; Architects, Civil A ; Structural Engineers, Mechanical A ; Electrical Engineers, Project Managers and Quantity Surveyors whom are very much prepared and incredibly taught and experient specialists. They are loaning with their particular comprehension and experience for the effective fruition of endeavors. What's more they have basic obligations and duties inside their full capacities ; for case, Preparation of drawings, Specifications, BOQ, Contract Conditions and Agreements.2 Furthermore exchange with the Time, Money, Technology, Equipments, agents and stuffs for overseeing of building endeavors and structure the endeavor resources.3 The expert associations regularly give exhaustive improvement to the experts, for example, ; introductory expert turn of events and being a part in a foundation. It outfits free guidance and arrangement, commitment in meeting and classes, web risks and procure benefit to use on lin e resorts. Henceforth some expert associations are especially basic to the structure business, for outline ; Professionals are licentiated as RICS, CIOB, RIBA, AIQS, SLIQS, and IESL and so forth as a result of this, experts can build up their discernment and do advancement the level of polished skill suitably.4 Further, certain worry related organisations furnish coaction of experts to divide with their perception and experience. Thus, Professionals can use association assets to achievement of their endeavors, some of them are altogether of import to structures industry, for example, ; notice of FIDIC in global, notice of ICTAD in Sri Lanka what's more notice of Business Enterprise A ; Regulatory Reform ( BERR ) in the United Kingdom.5 Introduction6 MAIN BODY DISCUSSIONS7 The Professionalism8 Define Concept of Professionalism9 Concept of the Professionalism generally clarified herewith, on specializer s purpose of position, the majority of scholars have characterized the develop of demonstrable skill in impressive volume.10 Harmonizing to the article of Journal of Chiropractic Humanities 2005 Aâ © NUHS ( Stuart Kinsinger ) Professionalism is characterized as Professionalism is administration through the utilization of specific comprehension, achievements, and experience ; holding oneself to the most noteworthy standards of thought, word, and title. 11 Refering to the above clarified comment, it tends to be distinguished unmistakably what the develop of demonstrable skill is,12 Further polished methodology can be depicted as ;13 Whatsoever, polished skill can non be assessed just in visual viewpoint ; like spruceness, great preparing, and work related chatter each piece great. It ought to be genuinely assessed through the capable talented, inside qualities, mentalities and fair work done.14 Besides, refering of the experts in building industry ; will be significantly talked about in following stairss, in this manner it is farther required to break down the his torical backdrop of polished skill in structures to secure a legitimate comprehension about structures experts professionalism.15 History of Professionalism in Construction industry16 History of demonstrable skill has been appeared since in the start of civilisation in this universe, anyway allude to the structure business, polished skill appears at the early period of Second World War in 1942, when sing to gave records by US Naval Mobile Construction Battalion five, Command History, that contingent has earned a notoriety for greatness and polished skill during the 54 mature ages of its being. Other than they have manufactured flight strips, hospitals, Bridgess, streets, and have given human-focused and fiasco recuperation help in about each segment of the universe.17 Hence it shows up unmistakably, there ought to be a curious highlights and properties in professionalism.18 Features and Attributes of Professionalism19 There are figure of specials highlights and property in demonstra ble skill to hold effectively to actualize inside the experts natural structures. This describes give a lot of impact to achievement of demonstrable skill in their exchanges. It is as per the following ;20 Besides above particular describes can be decided by curious realities recognized to get existent polished methodology in buildings.21 How is Professionalism Judged?22 Harmonizing to the book Up The Corporate Ladder Professionalism in The Workplace composed by Elsabe Manning ( owner of the Success Factory ) , Professionalism is decided by the undermentioned realities, for example, Responsibility and answerability, concern decorum, Telephone and e-behavior, Manners, Communication, Relationships, Competence, Respectfulness, Trustworthiness, Empathy and sympathy, Emotional adulthood, Image, and so forth ;23 So in this way, previously mentioned realities are utilized to pass judgment on the level of demonstrable skill, accordingly farther requests to see definitely about experts and t heir capacities pertinent to the structure industry.24 The experts of Construction Industry25 Definition26 Largely guidance, work progress, moral intentions, work moralss, positive idea, loosened head make anyone into an expert, out of these six focuses, at any rate four ought to be available to go a decent, significant professional.A Further records ; an expert is a person who is paid to assume control over a particular arrangement of endeavors and to complete them for a fee.27 Who are the experts in Construction Industry?28 as a rule, there are incredibly qualified and great prepared experts are loaning inside their particular discernment and experience to introduce the endeavors in building industry in fruitful. There are hardly any cardinal experts in the structure business, recognized as, Architects, Undertaking Managers, Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineer and Quantity Surveyors.29 Basically, they classified inside their commitment with occupation condition, some of them are filling in as customer agents, and some are relegated to design crews, other than doled out to developers and care houses.30 Functions of experts in Construction industry31 Most of building endeavors or houses utilize rumored experts to gain legitimate bearing technique so as to chronicle endeavors closes, part with the experts specific capacities. Modelers, Engineer Consultants, Builders and Quantity Surveyors, whom are the experts in building industry, thus farther will talk refering the significant elements of them pertinent to the structure endeavors as an expert squad,32 Particular purposes of cardinal elements of them are given beneath ;33 Further their capacities are quickly depicted as follows ;34 The Architect35 Harmonizing to the Wikipedia, an originator is an individual prepared in the arranging, plan and oversight/management of the structure of buildings and further creator ought to sing site irregularly for audits to ensure th at as a rule, the work being done nearby is in similarity with compositional plans and specifications.36 By and enormous, Architect should hold legitimate guidance makings what's more should keep great planning down land to introduce their discernment for the endeavor accomplishment in footings of maintainability and security of terminal clients. Other than there are Landscapes Architects, Town Planners, Infrastructures and structure Architects whom are sorted on subject on administration and they include as a crew or one individual.37 Harmonizing to the Bamisile ( 2004 ) , during the structure stage Engineers ( Civil, electrical, mechanical, geotechnical and auxiliary ) should see the site much of the time for surveys, and to be guaranteed that all exercises going on congruity with their innovation drawings, particulars and plans. Other than they ought to be worried about checking and guaranting strategies and stuffs. Regularly engineer counselors joint as a rumored single house wi th advancement endeavors. Other than include for picking the endeavor by way of stamp or by designation. A Fee other than will be charged by Engineers as a parentage footing.38 The Quantity Surveyor ( Cost Consultant )39 Quantity assessor is the individual/house who deal with the expense identifying with the structure endeavors, for example, new structures, care work and redevelopments. Amount assessor delegate the expense of each aspect of a structure undertaking as a cost master, each piece great as tries to limit the expenses of the endeavor and to accomplish more cost retirement funds while guaranting the whole expense of undertaking does non rise above the evaluated cost.40 Furthermore when study about Architects, Engineers A ; Quantity Surveyors as Construction Professionals, other than must be recognized their obligations and Responsibilities decently.41 Duties and obligations of experts in Construction industry42 all in all Architects, Undertaking chiefs, applied researchers and measure assessors are the greater part of import people whom are included as experts in building industry. In this manner, they must be extremely decent and great consideration of their obligations and obligations orchestrating to their work sectors.43 Their obligations and obligations could be depicted to sum things up as referenced underneath ;44 Architect45 Civil Engineers46 The Quantity Surveyor47 Pre Contract stage: 48 Post Contract stage: 49 The Construction Project Manager50 The Constructions proficient s organisations51 What is Professional organisation52 Professional
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ulysses S. Grant Essays - Ulysses S. Grant, Julia Grant, Galena
Ulysses S. Award Essays - Ulysses S. Award, Julia Grant, Galena Ulysses S. Award Ulysses S. Award rose to order all the Federal militaries in the Civil War and lead them to triumph. He was regarded so much that he proceeded to be leader of the United States for two terms. His season of wonder didn't keep going forever however, he created disease and passed on bankrupt. Ulysses Hiram Grant was conceived April 27, 1822, in a two room outline house at Point Pleasant, Ohio(Ulysses S. Award 1). His dad, Jesse Root Grant, was foreman in a tannery and a rancher. His mom, Hannah Simpson Grant, was a persevering wilderness lady. At the point when Ulysses was a year old, the family moved to Georgetown. There his dad purchased a ranch, assembled a house, and set up his own tannery. Jesse and Hannah had five more kids there, two young men and three girls(Ulysses S. Award 1). Award love ponies and figured out how to oversee them at an early age. At the point when he was seven or on the other hand eight he could drive a group and started pulling all the wood utilized in the house and shops. Starting there on until he arrived at seventeen, Grant accomplished all the work finished with ponies; for example, separating the land, wrinkling, furrowing corn, acquiring the harvests when reaped, and pulling wood(Ulysses S. Award 1). A quarter of a year each winter when work was limited Grant went to a one room school building, and that is the manner by which he was taught until he went to West Point at age seventeen. At the point when Grant turned seventeen, his dad got him an arrangement to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The congressman who made the arrangement did not know Grants' complete name, so he forgot about Hiram and included Simpson. Simpson, was Awards', moms' lady name(Ulysses S. Award 1). He was satisfied with his new name since he disdained his old initials H.U.G. Cadet Grant couldn't have cared less for military life and never expected to remain in the military. He was acceptable in arithmetic and trusted at some point to instruct it. In different subjects he was about normal. He was, be that as it may, the best horseman at the institute. Calm and timid, he made not many friends(The Civil War). At the point when he was authorized, Ulysses was requested to Jefferson Barracks, close St. Louis, Missouri. While positioned there he met Julia Dent, little girl of a slave claiming Southern family(Ulysses S. Award 2). Inside a quarter of a year he proposed to her and was acknowledged. Since he had just his compensation as lieutenant, the wedding was postponed(Ulysses S. Award 2). Award was in pretty much every skirmish of the Mexican War. He battled by walking, watching various authorities and how they lead their soldiers. This experience, he stated, was of extraordinary incentive to him, since he got familiar with almost all the officials of the standard armed force. Some of them including the extraordinary officer Robert E. Lee were to be on the Confederate side in the Civil War(Krick 15). Award returned from Mexico a chief, with good notice. He on the double hitched Julia and took her to his new station, Sackett's Harbor, New York. During the Mexican War Grant shaped the propensity for drinking. At Sackett's Harbor he joined a balance society, yet he overlooked the vow the following year when he was sent to Detroit(Ulysses S. Award 1). In 1852 Grant?s regiment was requested to the Pacific coast by method of the Isthmus of Panama. Mrs. Award remained with her folks since she didn?t need to take their multi year old kid out traveling that way. Cholera assaulted the regiment in Panama. Award demonstrated incredible administration and cleverness in getting the donkeys to convey the ridiculous men over the isthmus(Krick 16). He kept his cool and demonstrated how he could lead men when times got unpleasant. Award went through two years on the Pacific coast. He missed Julia and wasn?t there when his subsequent youngster was conceived. He went again to drink and wore sloppy outfits. His colonel requested his abdication, and Grant obtained cash to return home(Ulysses S. Grant2). Julia?s father gave Grant 80 sections of land to cultivate, close St. Louis. Award called the spot Hardscrabble(Ulysses S. Grant2). He cleared the land, manufactured a log lodge, and buckled down be that as it may, couldn't make cultivating pay. Two additional youngsters were conceived and Grant couldn?t bolster his family. Award offered his stock and executes and went to selling land in St. Louis. He bombed again and strolled the avenues searching for something to do. At last his father convinced his more youthful children to bring Grant into their cowhide business at
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Khan Academy Content Student Advisory Council
The Khan Academy Content Student Advisory Council Here at Khan Academy, we are continually expanding our library of videos, text explanations, and practice questions across many subjects. To help guide us in creating content that truly meets student’s needs, we assembled a Student Advisory Council who have been working with Khan Academy for the past 2015-2016 academic school year.The Student Advisory Council is a selective program that comprises high school and college students who care about learning and want to help other students succeed. Every month for the past academic year, the students’ consistent and valuable feedback have shaped our educational content and have enabled us to provide the most helpful resources for students around the world.In this blogpost, we want to highlight these Student Advisory Council members who have contributed significantly to Khan Academy. Below, you can read more about their background and what motivated them to work with Khan Academy.-Alejandrina Gonzalez Reyes: Senior at St. Brendan High S chool attending Stanford University next fall for college. Born in Mexico, but living in Miami for about 6 years. I love Khan Academy and wanted to get involved somehow. It was a great experience.-Amy Fan: High school senior at Bellaire High School in Texas. Ive always wanted to know how students could offer their feedback to Khan Academy and learn about whats going on behind the scenes.-Andrea Wasylyk: Sophomore at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY state. Khan Academy has helped me through high school and into college, and Im so glad I had the opportunity to help improve this amazing site!-Andrew Vaughn: I am a sophomore at Cornell University, and I am originally from Moraga, CA. I really admire the way organizations like Khan Academy are working to expand educational access, and I wanted to help in this mission.-Aniko Nowakowski: I am a graduating senior at St. Josephs Academy in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I wanted to become involved as a student advisory council member for Khan A cademy because this organization has helped me so much in my academic and personal career, and I feel called to give back and help out in any way possible! It has been a wonderful learning experience that has allowed me to grow as a student and a leader.-Asha Ravichandran: Senior at Revere High School in Ohio. I joined the Student Advisory Council to impact the changing face of education and to make a difference in the lives of my peers.-Brandon: Senior at Logan High School, from Utah. Khan academy has really helped me out so I thought I would like to give back and help others.-Brendan Guerin: Junior at Kings High School in Ohio. Im passionate about finance and have been investing since sixth grade. Khan Academy helped me learn the basics of finance as a kid and its only fitting I give back.-Caroline Li: Freshman in College, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia/Canada. I wanted to take an active hand in improving and developing one of the most helpful and accessible student reso urces out thereâ€"a resource that personally saved me from calculus!-Catherine Yeo: Sophomore in high school, Basis Independent Silicon Valley (but transferring to Stanford Online High School) in California. My vision of improving global education and making an educational impact, especially through technology, perfectly aligns with KA’s vision of “You Can Learn Anything.â€-Elizabeth Griffin: I am a junior (rising senior) at Notre Dame Academy in Massachusetts. I loved being able to contribute to Khan Academys mission for global education at such a young age-Emily Jones: Senior at Dr. Phillips High School in Orlando, Florida. Khan Academy saved me as I struggled through calc based physics last year and I wanted to help expand the content to help the next group of students in my situation-Grace Sawicki: I am currently a junior at Hopewell Valley Central High School, located in New Jersey. I was motivated to join the SAC because I wanted to help improve the articles and videos th at I found helpful and useful to use in challenging classes.-Jonathan Ort: I am a junior in high school, attending Kent Denver School in Englewood, Colorado. I applied to the SAC to engage with Khan Academy on a deeper level. As an appreciative user of Khan Academy’s many resources, I was excited to give back.-Juan Lazaro: I’m a junior in Rio Vista High School in California. I simply wanted to try something new and see what I could learn.-Kara Herson: Junior in high school at Woodside High School, California. Khan Academy provides an amazing service to students across the world, and I wanted to help them further their mission of providing a world class education for everyone.-Keila Delgado-Cruz: Hi, my name is Keila Delgado. I am currently a junior enrolled in Western Reserve Academy high school in Hudson, Ohio USA. My home is in Brazil, but I am attending a boarding school for all of my high school. I worked on Khan Academy over the summer and was motivated to participate in be ttering the website and spreading the word since it helped me so much!-Matt McConomy: I’m a college freshman attending Drexel University in Pennsylvania. Ive used Khan Academy so much in the past for homework and study help, and just wanted to give back by contributing towards improvements to make KA better for everyone.-Natalia Zielinski: I am a junior at John Hersey High School in IL. I joined the SAC because i have a great interest in teaching and motivating others to pursue STEM in the future.-Sage Simhon: Originally from Montreal but currently living in Florida, I am a high school junior at NSU University School. After visiting their headquarters and seeing firsthand all they do behind-the-scenes, I fell further in love with KA and needed to be part of it. SAC was the perfect way!-Shreya Shankar: Freshman at Stanford University, originally from Texas. Ive always benefitted from online education and was super excited to help Khan Academy come up with new content to reach out t o so many aspiring students.-Shreya Srivastava: Im a senior at Haslett High School in Michigan. Ive always believed that education should be both global and enjoyable. I joined the SAC because I wanted to help improve online resources for students around the world.-Vincent Tse: I’m a Senior from Arroyo High School; will attend UCLA in California for Fall 2016 as Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology major. To students with limited resources, I understand how vital websites like Khan Academy are in fostering academic growth. By improving the content, I hope that I can impact others learning.-Vrinda Deshpande: Im a senior at Glenelg High School in Maryland. I wanted to give back to the website that has helped me through so many chem tests! And help develop this awesome and modern education platform to help other youth :)Interested in joining the Student Advisory Council?If you are a student in high school (Junior or Senior year) or college (Freshman or Sophomore year) in th e US or Canada who is interested in serving on the SAC for the 2016-2017 academic school year, we want to hear from you! Fill in this application form by July 29, and we will inform successful applicants by the end of August if you have been selected.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Leadership Development A New Person On A Russian Tv...
Leadership Development Consider Polina Lopatkina, a new person on a Russian TV channel on an unpaid probation. When she just came to a studio for the first time, everything related to the work behind the scenes was new to her. She was looking at her team, which consisted of 5 women, and learning how to create a TV show from scratch. The duties for the whole group were to write a scenario for an episode, fill it with interesting media files, find people who would like to participate in the show and write their speech, find experts, invite celebrities, and work with all these people throughout the whole process. During the first day at work, Polina was trying to learn as much as possible about her duties, develop working relationships with†¦show more content†¦Polina used to think that one approach can be applied to all situations, but in fact it seldom could. Her followers were reflecting her despair reaction at situations that were different than she expected, so soon enough Polina realized that i t is better to confront her own views for a better results and started trying to approach double-loop learning more often. Once she changed her attitude, her followers started feeling better about blind spots that almost always happen in the TV production industry. Helping her followers to deal with stress by giving them some spare time to spend with celebrities and motivating them to work by monetary reward helped Polina to gain her followers’ trust. In a while Polina noticed that she had been already working for that TV channel for nearly 3 months and she was still not officially hired, working 10 hours a day for free. Even though she enjoyed her job and experience, she decided to talk to her boss about the situation. She explained, that her work was successful either was her team’s perfomance. Polina was told that even though the company saw her as a very hard-working and good-perfoming person, they had no vacant places at the moment to hire her. As Polina really loved the work she was doing she decided to stay and work even harder for accomplishing the goals and showing that she deserves the next availiable spot. In a week after she had a meeting
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Liberator By Alberto Arvelo - 896 Words
In 2013 the biopic of Simà ³n Bolà var called The Liberator, directed by Alberto Arvelo was created to demonstrate the liberation of Latin America during the 1800s as well as the various obstacles Simà ³n Bolà var had overcome in order to free his country. The Liberator was an impactful film that truly demonstrated the hardships and inferiority of indigenous life due to Spain s reign of dominance which drastically damaged the overall tone and development of many Latin Americans. Throughout the duration of the film, various themes such as inequality, nationalism, and liberalism were present during Bolà var s war against the Spanish Empire; Bolà var s ideals on the true destiny of man had both divided the country between patriots and royalists as well as sparking a revolution against the Spanish due to his disobedience. Simà ³n Bolà var was a Venezuelan militaries and political leader known as The Liberator for his role in challenging the powerful Spanish Empire in order t o establish independence and equality within Latin America. However, despite fighting for a noble cause and providing unity amongst the indigenous people of Latin America, Bolà var s leadership was often questioned due to his determination to win liberty. The film The Liberator was a biopic that followed the life of Simà ³n Bolà var during Latin American Independence in which he led his military consisting of natives against the Spanish in order to achieve liberty. I feel that Alberto Arvelo of Caracas,Show MoreRelatedThe Liberator By Alberto Arvelo1089 Words  | 5 Pages The Liberator, directed by Alberto Arvelo, is a historical biographical film documenting the life of Simon Bolivar and his struggle against the Spanish for equality in South America. Somewhat surprisingly, the cast is an incredibly gifted cast in comparison with other Latin American produced films with smaller budgets. Édgar Ramà rez was the main actor who played the role of Simon Bolivar in the film. Erich Wildpret played the critical role of Antonio Jose de Sucre. This prominent general was murdered
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lies Youve Been Told About Essay Samples for College Entrance
Lies You've Been Told About Essay Samples for College Entrance Whenever you decide to discover the assistance of star-writers. Following your initial draft is finished, allow it to sit for no less than a day. As a consequence, you get a wonderful deal of free time and completed homework. You have to devote a certain quantity of time sitting in the library or surfing the internet so as to locate some helpful data for your academic paper. For instance, you might need to incorporate a heading with the name and address of the individual who will be receiving your letter. In case the author is an individual, then their very first name is used first. In the exact first place, select what you need to realize together with your paper. In the exact first place, select what you need to reach together with your paper. Use outlines, word clouds or absolutely free association that will help you come up with material for every one of the different prompts. Therefore, you don't need to be concerned about your private information whenever you order with us. No output deadlines might be skipped as a consequence of the fact failures in talking. Your college essay ought to be a succinct essay about who you are and what you plan to study at the academic institution of your choice. You need to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. It's evident that most students find it challenging to submit totally free error sample essay for financial need scholarship since mostly they give plagiarized content only because they copy the specific information found on the web. There are many persuasive essay examples college students are able to make use of online. On our website, you are going to come across competent essay writers who will assist you with your assignments whatever they may be. Essay writing skills is a hard and time-consuming endeavor. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to locate some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer. Essay writing examples in doc format like the ones given may help steer you in writing a very good composition. Having us to fix any of the issues which you may face when coming up with scholarship essay topics will be advisable for you. Without a plan, you might be in a position to compose an essay but would not be in a position to finish the task according to your satisfaction. If you are looking for the best essay writing service, you do not need to appear far. The ideal essay writing services propose a chance to request an entirely free draft so you. You might not discover an essay on the exact same topic, but the gist of superior writing still stays the exact same. It is possible to browse the web to discover templates and sample essays to help your ideas start to take shape. Possessing good essay examples provides the reader an in-depth and on-the-court idea about what a well structured and coherent essay appears like. It's always beneficial to read different people's work to acquire an awareness of what good essays are. Introduction essay paragraphs are central in any bit of writing for the reason they give readers advance info about the content and the function of the material. This kind of essay is essentially an answer to some work by the author. An essay outline is a set of ideas and ideas applicable to the subject issue. To structure an essay, you have to simply adhere to the above mentioned format. Generally, the tremendous part of the essays are written within the sort of prose. The demand for an essay program ought to be on the agenda too. There's not any reason to rush your essay. There's no ideal solution about how to compose an effective essay. Definitions of Essay Samples for College Entrance You want to understand how to encourage readers to keep reading. The author starts with a rather thorough story of an event or description of an individual or place. When doing this, you'll obtain an unbelievable expertise in writing. Are you fighting to find quality writers. Our writers are specially vetted and trained to make certain they work diligently to fulfill all your requirements. Moreover, our English-speaking writers make sure every order has original content and an appropriate structure. The Importance of Essay Samples for College Entrance You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the appropriate style. Locate the service that best satisfies your requirements. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, in addition to make sure you are getting the very best service our company may deliver. Our service is utilized by students all around the world.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The study of Massage/ Kinesiology Essay Example For Students
The study of Massage/ Kinesiology Essay There are many aspects on the study and meaning of kinesiology. Some of these ways are; applied kinesiology, kinesiology medicine research, and specialized and energy kinesiology. The study kinesiology and massage therapy is believed to go hand and hand. Many will say that without the proper knowledge of kinesiology and muscle movements, you can not provide a patent with all that is needed for a proper massage. As we approach new years, many individuals are increasing their concern in health. With the healing arts increasing in popularity, individuals dont understand the need for well-rounded therapist. Who are trained in the science of kinesiology, which includes the technique of massage to enable them to be proficient in their field. During the early 1900s, the practice of medical science became accepted in our society. Many of the Swedish massage was mingled in with those of medical doctors and medical practices. (A type of mechano-therapy emerged of a combination with other thera pist preformed by a physician or a nurses assistant.) Over time, these practices were absorbed into what would be general medicine. In the 1920s Masseurs and Masseuses had lost most of their market to doctors. They mainly found work with wealthy individuals who wanted a general, relaxing form of massage. After World War ll, a group of massage operators formed the American Association of Masseurs and Masseuses. This later became the forerunner of todays American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). The goal of these associations is to raise the status of massage as a unique and effective treatment for healing. In the 1980s the AMTA was formed. The first thing they did was establish a code of ethics and change their titles from masseurs and masseuses to massage therapist. Now the profession of massage is enjoying renewed vigor and influence in alternative medicine. Recent trends have pointed the continuing promise and growth of massage therapy as a health care career. Applied kinesiology is the scientific study of muscular movement, physical activities and the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of the movement of body parts. Kinesiology was first created by the American/Italian chiropractor Anthony Gil in Milano, Italy. This relatively new study has many different branches of specialized studies. Many similar goals of kinesiology are to: restore normal nerve functions, have normal internal functions, intervene early to prevent or (delay pathological conditions), to restore balance, correct gait impairment, and broaden your range of motion. The study of massage therapy with the study of kinesiology enhances a therapists ability to relieve many symptoms and conditions that may lead to inadequacies in an individuals muscular and nervous system. A therapist is able to take the person receiving the massage to a state of total relaxation. Many things can be helped through kinesiology and massage therapy, rather than by other medicines or surgeries. When an individual has asthma, kinesiologys is used to find out if there are any weaknesses in the lower back or leg muscles. The individuals would then strengthen these muscles to help their body to produce the right amount, or more, of chemicals used to relax their air passage so they may breathe better. A massage will a single touch of a finger tip will send a signal through the spinal cord to the brain in a split second letting your body relax and increase blood circulation and lymph through the tissues. This performance can help to lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and because the brain to release endorphins, the brains natural opiate-like substances that promote stress reduction. Mainly, what connects kinesiology with massage therapist is the fact that they are very good with muscular manipulation. .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 , .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .postImageUrl , .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 , .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053:hover , .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053:visited , .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053:active { border:0!important; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053:active , .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053 .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6395c2fb3bc3deb31fd0c11e50b48053:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child Abuse EssayThrough kinesiology you are able to look at many ways in which you are able to help a individuals dealing with any health related problem, and using this type of medicine, you are able to fix, or greatly reduce, pain or illnesses. Along with kinesiology, massage therapies work hand and hand in helping you develop a better life style and help aid in relieving your stress. Just from targeting weak muscles, with help from a professional, you can take care of all, or most, needs having to do with your bodies function. Kinesiology/massage therapy is a major contributor to health and wellness. All individuals use a form of kinesiology in their lives, whether fro m a sport or an activities involving muscles movement. We all have individual stress from activities not done right. Many individuals in the world turn to other relaxing ways to help relieve stress from their lives. In our society many, individuals have become health conscious. There are many individuals who go into health related jobs and careers to maintain there health. The quality of life is becoming a major issue in todays young adults, as well and older adults. Many studies have shown a large part of the worlds interests are growing in complimentary approaches to health and fitnesss. There is a worldwide amount of students who are exposed to unparalleled learning opportunities in hopes of becoming trained professionals with a strong foundation in the study of movement and activities from therioetical and applied aspects. You must understand that kinesiology is a muiltiscience. It may consist of anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, psychomotor behavior, and cultural factors. The word massage is an Arabic word meaning stroke. This is exactly what a massage therapist does. They stroke the body with various intense forces to correct inadequacies in a persons body and nerve system. Kinesiology is a way to stimulate your body and relieve many similar health related problems. These types of therapies are two of the leading heath care alternative medications in the United States. Not only has a massage helped an individuals well being, but also been proven to give them a better quality of life. This alternative medication involves many types of massage techniques to bring you to a total state of relaxation. Massage has been around for thousands of years. To many massage therapists and kinesiologist the physical touch with the actives of muscles exercise is conceded one gift of healing that humans possess naturally. In many studies the healing touch is proven to be much more than skin deep. Other forms of body work similar to massage are: shiatsu, Rolfing, refle xology, and reiki. American massage is similar to Swedish massage, although they do focus on different bodily work. The four basic types of massage are Swedish massage; being the most popular, involves stroking, kneading and applying friction to the upper muscles closer to the skin surface. This is extremely relaxing and helps to calm and relax nervous system. It will help to improve mobility ad flexibility. Trigger Point/Neuromuscular Massage; Involves a technique that uses finger pressures on specific painful areas in muscles to loosen and release built-up tensions. Deep Tissue; is a method to help stiff necks, sore shoulders, and tight hips by slow stroking and using deep finger pressures on areas of the body also helping those suffering from chronic muscle tensions. Sports massage; is mainly for assisting on athletics and fitness and involves many of the techniques from kinesiology to help rebuild weak or injured muscles. With these basics massage techniques mastered, you can sp ecialize in any field of massage. Kinesiology/massage therapists to not only help alleviate symptoms of soreness or muscles tension, but also develop plans for making lifestyles changes to prevent the systems and injuries form happening again. I believe that the medical aspects of life and quality in general are much more looked at today then they have been in past years. The work of massage along with the knowledge of kinesiology has improved our modern medicines and is one of the best impacts we have today for healthier lifestyles. The way physical touch in massage keeps your body and mind more together is on of the best ways to impact not only the person receiving the massage, but therapist also. If a person has never had a massage, and was to get on for the first time, I believe they will go more often, just because of the feeling you have after opposed to the feeling you had before. There is such a large amount of individuals who are looking for massage therapist. Having a natural talent will really benefit our society with a healthier and relaxing state of body and mind. I truly know that with massage/kinesiology you are able to open your bodily needs better ,and become more capable of enjoying the time you have with people you work with to make your own personality complete. These alternative medicines are the best ways to get the flow of energy moving to able yourself to feel like your own utopia.
Friday, April 3, 2020
The Absent Male In Little Women Essays - English-language Films
The Absent Male in Little Women "No gentlemen were admitted" writes Louisa May Alcott in Little Women to describe the all-female private revue the March sisters perform. And as the novel progresses, one cannot help but wonder if this same sentiment does indeed echo throughout the novel, as male characters are conspicuously absent while all the pivotal parts are played by the women characters. This gender imbalance -- in that there are more female characters than male in Little Women -- is especially obvious when male authority figures such as Mr March and Mr Lawrence are markedly absent for most of the novel. When they do appear, they are in need of love and care from the women. Mr Lawrence, who is nursing a broken heart over the death of his daughter, is healed by Beth's gentle manners, while Mr March's broken constitution is nursed back to health by his loving wife and daughters. The only male character who appears prominently in Little Women is Laurie, who, although the richest and most eligible bachelor for miles, is drawn to the motherly smile and warmth of the little cottage, despite the luxuries of his mansion next door. John Brooke, Laurie?s tutor and Meg?s husband, too, is drawn to the homey atmosphere of the March residence, having recently lost his mother. In a bold move that differentiates Alcott from her contemporaries, the male characters in Little Women are all not capable of providing sustenance to their womenfolk as they are incapacitated (either by a war injury, an emotional scar, or an impoverished background). The women are thus forced to take on varied roles in order to provide materially and emotionally for the family. They are the ones who shoulder the burden in situations not unlike those of the Alcott family. Is it by chance, or is premeditation, that most of Alcott?s novels feature an absent father? And when he does reappear, he is very often silent, ill or injured. It is obvious Alcott has problems portraying strong male characters, probably from the fact that she hadn?t seen too many of them. Furthermore, Alcott is not able to describe a situation where love is emoted expressively from men. In all her novels, the male characters disappoint -- in one way or the other. In many ways, they are very similar to her own father. Bronson Alcott was a man who preferred dreaming, shirking his fatherly and husbandly duties, and was prone to going on extended trips without his family. Bronson Alcott deserted his family for months at a time purportedly to earn a living. But he was not very successful in that area. Once he came back with a new scarf and a dollar in his pocket to a hungry family waiting for the money to buy some much needed bread. He handed over the token that he was paid to Alcott with the careless remark: ?Well, Louisa, there?s little money, but I had a great time and was asked to come again.? In Little Women, the appearance of these hapless males in search of a mother figure to comfort them celebrates the Good Mother, a role played by Marmee and her four daughters. The Good Mother figure, as explained by French feminist writer Helene Cixous in her manifesto The Laugh of the Medusa, is a woman who is an omnipotent, generous dispenser of love, nourishment and plenitute. And in a departure from the patriachal system that she grew up in, Alcott proclaims women as the source of life, power, energy and advice. In Good Wives (pages 211 - 213), Marmee says to Meg, beginning with: "May I speak quite freely, and will you remember that it's mother who blames as well as mother who sympathises?" before concluding with "Don't shut yourself up in a bandbox because you are a woman, but understand what is going on, and educate yourself to take your part in the world's work, for it all affects you and yours." Then later on in Good Wives (page 318), Jo exclaim about Marmee: "How goo! d she is to me! What do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles?" Alcott's portrayal of a strong mother figure is no surprise considering that she was very much influenced by her mother, and much of her journals was annotated by her mother who read them and made notes within them. Just as Abba Alcott was very caught up with women?s rights, The Absent Male In Little Women Essays - English-language Films The Absent Male in Little Women "No gentlemen were admitted" writes Louisa May Alcott in Little Women to describe the all-female private revue the March sisters perform. And as the novel progresses, one cannot help but wonder if this same sentiment does indeed echo throughout the novel, as male characters are conspicuously absent while all the pivotal parts are played by the women characters. This gender imbalance -- in that there are more female characters than male in Little Women -- is especially obvious when male authority figures such as Mr March and Mr Lawrence are markedly absent for most of the novel. When they do appear, they are in need of love and care from the women. Mr Lawrence, who is nursing a broken heart over the death of his daughter, is healed by Beth's gentle manners, while Mr March's broken constitution is nursed back to health by his loving wife and daughters. The only male character who appears prominently in Little Women is Laurie, who, although the richest and most eligible bachelor for miles, is drawn to the motherly smile and warmth of the little cottage, despite the luxuries of his mansion next door. John Brooke, Laurie?s tutor and Meg?s husband, too, is drawn to the homey atmosphere of the March residence, having recently lost his mother. In a bold move that differentiates Alcott from her contemporaries, the male characters in Little Women are all not capable of providing sustenance to their womenfolk as they are incapacitated (either by a war injury, an emotional scar, or an impoverished background). The women are thus forced to take on varied roles in order to provide materially and emotionally for the family. They are the ones who shoulder the burden in situations not unlike those of the Alcott family. Is it by chance, or is premeditation, that most of Alcott?s novels feature an absent father? And when he does reappear, he is very often silent, ill or injured. It is obvious Alcott has problems portraying strong male characters, probably from the fact that she hadn?t seen too many of them. Furthermore, Alcott is not able to describe a situation where love is emoted expressively from men. In all her novels, the male characters disappoint -- in one way or the other. In many ways, they are very similar to her own father. Bronson Alcott was a man who preferred dreaming, shirking his fatherly and husbandly duties, and was prone to going on extended trips without his family. Bronson Alcott deserted his family for months at a time purportedly to earn a living. But he was not very successful in that area. Once he came back with a new scarf and a dollar in his pocket to a hungry family waiting for the money to buy some much needed bread. He handed over the token that he was paid to Alcott with the careless remark: ?Well, Louisa, there?s little money, but I had a great time and was asked to come again.? In Little Women, the appearance of these hapless males in search of a mother figure to comfort them celebrates the Good Mother, a role played by Marmee and her four daughters. The Good Mother figure, as explained by French feminist writer Helene Cixous in her manifesto The Laugh of the Medusa, is a woman who is an omnipotent, generous dispenser of love, nourishment and plenitute. And in a departure from the patriachal system that she grew up in, Alcott proclaims women as the source of life, power, energy and advice. In Good Wives (pages 211 - 213), Marmee says to Meg, beginning with: "May I speak quite freely, and will you remember that it's mother who blames as well as mother who sympathises?" before concluding with "Don't shut yourself up in a bandbox because you are a woman, but understand what is going on, and educate yourself to take your part in the world's work, for it all affects you and yours." Then later on in Good Wives (page 318), Jo exclaim about Marmee: "How goo! d she is to me! What do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles?" Alcott's portrayal of a strong mother figure is no surprise considering that she was very much influenced by her mother, and much of her journals was annotated by her mother who read them and made notes within them. Just as Abba Alcott was very caught up with women?s rights,
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Accounting Practices For A Campground
ABSTRACT Small business enterprise suffers from many regulations, burdening tax laws, and big business marketing. Yet, for many people it is the American dream to own your own business. In today’s times, it is crucial that the small business be equipped to handle the task of operating like a big business. The small business owner must have a good understanding of accounting and how it can be used to benefit the enterprise. This paper will look at one unique area of small business, campground ownership. The paper will show how various aspects of accounting can be â€Å"put to work†so the owner can better use the time to manage the campground itself. Cash flow statements, the balance sheet; income statements, along with ratios associated with each area will be highlighted. The paper will look at these accounting principals from the perspective of the office manager, accountant, banker, and the owner/operator. Introduction Packing up the car for the one-hour drive along the coast of Lake Michigan to our favorite weekend destination, Hidden Valley Lake brings back fond memories. The excitement of spending the weekend leisurely swimming, hiking, fishing, and just playing in the woods at the campground was many boys dream. For the campground owner the task was much different, handling all kinds issues such as inventory, registration, cleaning, grounds keeping, and including accounting functions. Today the campground owner must be aware of the various aspects of campground ownership, such as RV business, marketing, taxes, regulations, and even more detailed accounting functions. Like any successful business, detailed and explicit accounting will enhance the enterprise. Background The camping industry has been steadily climbing and evolving. Over 6.9 million households own RVs and the industry is climbing. Campground reservations are up 15-25% for the southwest and even higher in the... Free Essays on Accounting Practices For A Campground Free Essays on Accounting Practices For A Campground ABSTRACT Small business enterprise suffers from many regulations, burdening tax laws, and big business marketing. Yet, for many people it is the American dream to own your own business. In today’s times, it is crucial that the small business be equipped to handle the task of operating like a big business. The small business owner must have a good understanding of accounting and how it can be used to benefit the enterprise. This paper will look at one unique area of small business, campground ownership. The paper will show how various aspects of accounting can be â€Å"put to work†so the owner can better use the time to manage the campground itself. Cash flow statements, the balance sheet; income statements, along with ratios associated with each area will be highlighted. The paper will look at these accounting principals from the perspective of the office manager, accountant, banker, and the owner/operator. Introduction Packing up the car for the one-hour drive along the coast of Lake Michigan to our favorite weekend destination, Hidden Valley Lake brings back fond memories. The excitement of spending the weekend leisurely swimming, hiking, fishing, and just playing in the woods at the campground was many boys dream. For the campground owner the task was much different, handling all kinds issues such as inventory, registration, cleaning, grounds keeping, and including accounting functions. Today the campground owner must be aware of the various aspects of campground ownership, such as RV business, marketing, taxes, regulations, and even more detailed accounting functions. Like any successful business, detailed and explicit accounting will enhance the enterprise. Background The camping industry has been steadily climbing and evolving. Over 6.9 million households own RVs and the industry is climbing. Campground reservations are up 15-25% for the southwest and even higher in the...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Protecting the homeland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Protecting the homeland - Essay Example There is no specific way to determine that being prepared will eliminate signs of trouble, disaster, or negative effects. The process simply adjusts the mindset of the individuals involved to meet the adversity head on and with as much resistance that can be managed. In the nations past a preparedness program was successfully demonstrated by President Woodrow Wilson. President Wilson was against the United States being involved in World War I. However, he was denied any advances for an agreement of peace amongst the U.S. and Germany. When terms were not agreed upon the President decided to focus attentions on preparing the Army, marines, and navy for being forced into the war. At the time some individuals felt as though Wilson was planning to push the U.S. into war because of his strategy. In 1917, the President was drawn into the war on Germany despite his â€Å"He Kept Us Out of War†, campaign. The major event here was the amount of readiness the President possessed on behal f of the U.S. With the determination of his armies, Wilson retrieved an Armistice from Germany in efforts to further a peace agreement. With these efforts the President was able to deliver his Fourteen Points speech that would be a big factor to ending the war completely (Woodrow Wilson, p. 1). Based on earlier arguments, it is conceived at this point that although President Wilson took necessary steps to avoid the United States interaction in World War I, he also prepared us for war. Not only did he get his troops in line, the President was well enabled to produce a solution to the issues that spawned a full war in the first place. Wilson was not able to stay out of battle. It actually took him well over a year to get Congress to sign off on his Fourteen Points. This tactic is a good example of what preparedness is about. Fighting and disagreement may not always be completely avoidable, but a solution and plan should readily be prepared to produce a means for an end. It should also be acknowledged that even with preparedness concept efforts there have been several terrorist attacks focused on United States soil. More importantly, there have been attacks directed at symbols of the nations success and power such as the World Trade Center. These types of attack demonstrate a will of terrorists to damage the United States image as a major authority. Being able to defy that authority at whatever level is a specific aim by any attack. The message that terrorists deliver will not be one that seeks to minimize damage to the U.S. or its citizens. In February of 1993 a bombing attack was demonstrated on the World Trade Center. There was a truck positioned beneath the North Tower intended to collapse the North and South Towers of the Trade Center. The bomb did not successfully kill thousands but it did manage to kill nearly ten individuals and injure over one thousand. Then again on September 11 of 2001 there was another significant attack on the World Trade Center. In this case planes hijacked by terrorists were aimed at taking out the Towers. Of the four planes taken two hit the mark and leveled the Twin Towers. This time the terrorists attempts managed to bring about the demise of over three thousand individuals. Attacks like these have attempted to crumble the United States position for decades. In light of all the attempts at the expense of
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Technology ethis in the classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Technology ethis in the classroom - Essay Example When computers are properly utilized, they can be good tools for education, as well as an investment. Everyday, schools, as well as teachers and students, are reliant on computers in the performance of everyday activities. Teachers can use them in recording student grades, as well as the reception and sending of mail. The individual can use them to create, store, and manage critical information. Therefore, they must be protected from loss, misuse, and damage. For instance, school districts are expected to ensure that a student’s information regarding learning problems, grades, attendance rates, and personal data is protected from loss and maintains confidentiality (Barcalow et al 1). While the use of the internet has significantly revolutionized communication, as well as provided new educational tools for student learning, it has also come with risks and raised ethical issues for all students in different grades (Sandler 1). This has also made for various opportunities for ill egal and inappropriate behavior, as well as behaviors that are deemed unsafe for the students. More K-12 educators, progressively, have come to appreciate the urge and importance of utilizing the internet for instructions, as well as teaching and familiarizing the students with knowledge and critical thinking skills required for production of responsible citizens in and out of school. Some school districts have successfully completed the incorporation of internet safety and security lessons into their curricular, in preparing students from every grade for responsible and ethical behavior when operating online. I would proceed to implement security through teaching students to raise questions on the reliability and authenticity of websites that they access (Sandler 1). The learners need to be provided, as well as permitted to utilize specific websites for research purposes. Additionally, the students need to be provided by a protocol set for which they are required to follow if somet hing that they find appropriate appears on the computer screen. Most of the cover news on issues that have to do with internet safety and security issues are mainly focused on the young learners and, for this reason, it is vital to begin education efforts aimed at this (Conway 1). I would encourage the implementation of web usage education immediately the learners begin using computer technology. Learners and students in the first two grades need to be taught to on application and use of passwords and why this needs to be kept secret. I would also create copyrights with students using agreements in the classroom, as well as parents signing acceptable policies for use that regulate the use of technology in school. The usage of the web would incorporate acceptable policies of use that need to be the first line of defense in order to avert unlawful and insecure use of technology resources in the school (Conway 1). The technology policy must be reliable with in comparison with policies used for other resources that relate to the school, replicating the school’s goals and mission. Three ethical practices would be implemented in the classroom. For one, it would be essential to solicit parent involvement. Not only the learners and tutors will be targeted by internet safety and security education (Vance 1). It is important for school districts to hold, at schools, internet safety rights for both students
Monday, January 27, 2020
The More Effective Leader: Hitler Or Stalin?
The More Effective Leader: Hitler Or Stalin? Introduction In a sense, a certain analogy appears to be between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. It is vital to recognize that these two dictators of the twentieth century represented embodiments of modern evil. Both leaders possessed almost absolute power due to their unprecedented level of repression and attempted manipulation and indoctrination. Each of these dictators was drifted by revolutionary and controversial monopolistic set of dogmatic principles about the internal systemization of society and the leading power of history. Although Hitler and Stalin shared some clear parallelisms, their personalities, the effectiveness of leadership and specific regimes were fairly distinct rather than similar. The first part of this essay will concentrate on the analysis of various historiographical interpretations, focusing on the intentionalist view, to critically assess the effectiveness of Hitlers leadership qualities in particular. Secondly, the essay will focus on the comparison of some distinct aspects of Hitler and Stalins dictatorships in order to examine the importance of power hierarchy in both their regimes. It will be argued that both leaders had different styles of leadership that played very important part in moulding of their authorities and leading power. Furthermore, the essay will evaluate some principal tools of power such as the cult of personality, the powerful machine of propaganda, the use of terror and the development of pivotal economic policies, in order to provide a compact framework of Hitlers leadership potential capabilities. It will be highlighted that Stalin counted far too much upon mass terror therefore he was unable to maintain an efficient mechanism of leadership. Lastly, the essay will conclude by connecting the analysis of Hitlers dictatorship to the current debate between historical scholars, therefore the central argument will be proved that Hitler personified more competent and constructive leader compared to Stalin.* *The purpose of this essay is not to establish the fact that Hitler was, to a certain extent, a leading giant or a failure. It is meant to assess a man and the various facets of successful leadership he applied during his domination in the Third Reich that makes him more effective leader in comparison with Stalins abilities and intentions. The Analysis of Historiographical Interpretations of Hitlers Leadership It is indispensable to realize that several historical schools of thought (the Functionalist/ Structuralist and the Intentionalist school) have tried to account for their own arguments and interpretations of Hitlers dictatorship abilities. Lets look at the major points of each historiographical perspective in order to analyze Hitler as more effective leader in comparison with Stalin; and evaluate the relevance of Kershaws theory of Working Towards the Fuhrer in terms of Hitlers role in the Third Reich. Advocates of the Functionalist view, such as Martin Broszat and Hans Mommsen, largely concentrate on the interpretation of systematization of Hitlers Nazi Germany and on his leadership qualities and charisma which played an essential role in strengthening Hitlers leading effectiveness. According to Broszat, Nazi Germany represented a chaotic tangle of conflicting institutions and bureaucracies therefore the figure of Adolf Hitler was not a key driving force behind the dynamics and organization of Hitlers Germany (Broszat, 1981: p. 262). It can be argued that Hitler as a leader did not solely dominate to the Third Reich because there were constant power struggles initiated by several institutions. Furthermore, in Broszats perspective, Hitler epitomized a weak dictator because the Third Reich signified a dualistic state where Nazi Party operated simultaneously with the normal institutions of Nazi state (Broszat, 1981: p. 244). Broszat advocated that behind a faà §ade of Nazi integrity , there were perpetual struggles for power between the revolutionary Nazi institutions, such as SA and SS, and the traditional authority of German state. According to Broszats opinion, Hitlers leadership style enabled Nazi state to emerge as a collection of competing power units which triggered the radical forces to penetrate into German society (Kershaw, 2000: p. 75). Certainly Hitler undermined orderly government in Germany by his habit of appointing several people to practically the same job, resulting in official competing for Hitlers favour. The Intentionalist historiography is embedded in the concept of Social Darwinism, therefore according to this view Hitler was depicted as a fanatical and extreme ideologist who was incessantly avid for nationalism, militarism, the importance of lebensraum and anti-Semitism. It is worth noting that there is a certain parallel between the Nazi bureaucratic machinery and Darwinian Theory of competition in terms of power struggle. In a certain way, Hitler as a leader represented the fittest element of the Nazi Party, relying on his personal appeal. Hitler was essentially responsible for the increasing momentum of radicalization. In Allan Bullocks view, he was very strong and artful leader, creating uncertainty, confusion and tension among his adherents in order to secure his leading post. Therefore, it is evident that Hitlers intention was to provoke unchecked struggle and competition until the natural selection and the survival of the fittest would have occurred (Kershaw Lewin, 1997: p. 96). To a certain extent, a highly regarded scholar Ian Kershaw inclined to endorse the interpretation of Functionalist/Structuralist school regarding Hitlers leadership qualities. On one hand, Kershaw does not associate himself with the thesis that Hitler was a weak dictator and therefore played an unimportant role in the Third Reich. On the other hand, Kershaw had advocated the idea that Hitler was completely uninvolved in the daily administrative work (Kershaw, 1998: p. 529). It is necessary to point out that Kershaw considered Hitler to be a lazy dictator who was highly inconsistent, indecisive and did not engage in the everyday direction of Germany (Kershaw, 1998: p. 533). However, other structuralist champions, such Mason, maintained that Hitler was predominantly involved in the leading of his interests: military decision-making and planning of foreign policy (Kershaw, 1998: p. 532). It might be argued that Hitlers clear focus enhanced his untouchable leading status and veiled him i n the mystery. Moreover, Kershaw argued that the actual importance of Hitler was mainly based on the perception of Germans people of Hitlers personality and not just on the character of his dictatorship.1 _______________________________________________________ 1 It is vital to recognize that some historians agreed that Hitlers effective leadership aimed to arrange his power that would enable him continuously to educate the people in the spirit of his mission by means (in his words) the total domination of every individual (Cassinelli, 1976: p 63). Nazism and Stalinism: The Comparison of Leadership Styles Æ’Â Ideology The main contrast between the Stalinism and Nazism was that both regimes arose from completely different types of societies traditions. Russias lack of culture, traditions and illiteracy meant that Stalin had very limited possibilities to accomplish his large tasks, such as transform the whole society from bourgeois system to socialist community. The Nazi ideology was shaped Given that Hitler was allergic to any restriction to his power, he had no clear-cut effort to form the administrative anarchy of the Third Reich. It is essential to emphasize that Hitler is characterized by the unbureaucratic style of leadership mainly because he remained quite aloof from the daily business and government and distanced himself from the intricate situations. Although his style of leadership appears to be, to some extent, limited, Hitler predominantly focused on the realm of his personal interests, such as foreign policy and military affairs. It can be argued, that this unbureaucratic style emphasized Hitlers personality, an inescapable product of the deification of the leadership position itself (Kershaw, Ian, 1997: p. 99). It can be purported that Hitler did not want to concern himself with the administration to sustain prestige to match the created image (Kershaw, 1997: p. 100). According to Marx Webers classic study of the authority of power, the quality of Hitlers charisma consists in his apparent possession of supernatural or superhuman or at all events specifically out of the ordinary qualities, which make him appear an emissary of God, or a destined Leader (Schapiro, 1972: p. 21). By contrast, Stalin personified very interventionist dictator whose main objective was to established the centralization of state power in order to eliminate the party-state dualism (Kershaw Lewin, 1997: p. 91) but also to create a monopolization of all decision-making, in relation to economic reconstruction, to open up a giant bureaucratization of all aspects of life. He intended to intentionally provoke instability in the governmental apparatus and society to implement his unpopular policies by the full command of modern means of control and administration [EVIDENCE]. Stalins power was, therefore, described as bureaucratic authority (Kershaw Lewin, 1997: p. 98) hence his influence in daily administration was far-reaching and cross-sectional. This fact suggests that Hitler largely relied on his charismatic impression to coordinate the states apparatus and gain a public support for his policies and actions, therefore it might be argued that Hitler was more effective leader in strengt hening his support and forming a new and higher kind of man by a process that involved the remolding of mens psychologies than Stalin (Cassinelli, 1976: p. 63). However, Stalin was able to transform illiterate and backward masses of Russians into obedient and simple-minded people. He relied on the masses that have a certain purity and naivetà © enabling them to understand the essence of significant situations. [2] _______________________________________________________ [2] As Stalin said, Simple people sometimes prove to be far nearer to the truth than some highly placed institutions. (Cassinelli, 1976: p. 89) ***Joseph Stalin declared: Can such a radical transformation of the old bourgeois system of society be achieved without a violent revolution, without the dictatorship of the proletariat? (Cassinelli, 1976: p. 77) The Effectiveness of Hitlers Leadership There is no doubt that Hitler and Stalins regimes shared some similar characteristics, nevertheless the main argument of this essay is based on fact that Hitler represented more effective and visionary leader compared to Stalin in terms of the cult of personality, propaganda, the use of terror and economic strategies several significant ways compared to Stalin. Therefore it is quite substantial to take into account the extent to which these major factors contributed to the effectiveness of Hitlers leadership. In essence, both Stalin and Hitler applied their power in different manner, however they shared a common ground regarding to implementation of their power. Evidence I: The Cult of Personality One of the principal factor, that significantly contributed to Hitlers effective leadership, was his sophisticated cult of personality. [3] Hitler was regarded as the personification of the nation and the unity of the national community therefore he primarily established his mastery on a cultivated principle of personal loyalty to which he could always successfully appeal at moments of crisis (Kershaw, 1997: p. 93). It must be noted that the principal reason for Hitlers domination of all who assisted him was an extraordinary power of his individuality. Hitler radiated confidence, high self-esteem and strong belief in his ability; it made him extremely powerful and everyone was frightened by his aura of total assuredness (Cassinelli, 1976: p. 73) thus he could stir up emotions and hypnotize the broad spectrum of German society. Hitlers main characteristic features were his skills to achieve an extraordinary power over the German people and ability to accomplish his political objective s. In large measure, his power to grip an attention and public admiration was especially due to his exceptional oratorical talent. [4] Hitler used his speeches as a powerful tool of political intoxication that inspired a degree of fervor in his listeners that seems to defy definition and explanation (De Luca, 1983: p. 96-7). Therefore it can be argued that Hitlers leadership uniqueness stemmed from his geniality to effectively use spoken word in order to manipulate mass propaganda for his own benefit. In Hitlers view, words build bridges into unexplored regions (Bullock, 1962: p. 372). The key aspect of this argument is that his uncanny ability to appeal to the subconscious and irrational needs of his audience and to solicit the desired response made him a formidable political figure (De Luca, 1983: p. 96-7). Furthermore, Hitler, in contrast to Stalin, was able to add the authority of spiritual founder of national socialism to that of party leader. _______________________________________________________ [3] Charismatic rule has long been neglected and ridiculed, but apparently it has deep roots and becomes a powerful stimulus once the proper psychological and social doubt that millions believe in it (Neumann, 1942: p. 75). Both the Stalinist and the Nazi regimes signified a new genre of political system that concentrated the artificial concept of a leadership cult the heroic myth of the great leader, who represented a man of the people and no more super-ordinate monarch who was distant to the masses. However, in Moshe Lewins view, the rapid pace of centralization in Stalins leadership resulted in rapid growth of officialdom; hence, it might be said that the cult of Stalin was replaced by the cult of the state (Kershaw Lewin, 1997: p. 11) hence Stalin predominantly concentrated on reinforcing his authority in order to be seen as autocratic and retain. [5] It is necessary to emphasize that Stalins rise to power was from within the Soviet Union consequently he shared public glorification with former icons such as Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx. The crucial aspect of this argument is that Stalin and his communist ideology could be detached therefore when Stalin died the similar cult of personality never evo lved around his successor but the Soviet communism preserved. It is worth noting that unlike Stalin, Hitler became a permanent image of Nazism. The Fuhrer principle, in essence, rooted in Hitler formulated the Nazis system of governance. [6] megalomaniac ambitions _______________________________________________________ [4] Walter Langer depicts Hitler as a showman with a great sense for the dramatic. However he provides very clear characterization of Hitlers captivating rallies: Not only did [Hitler] he schedule his speeches late in the evening when his audience would be tired and their resistance lowered through natural causes, but would always send an assistant ahead of time to make a short speech warm up the audience. Strom troops always played an important role at these meetings and would line the aisle through which he would pass. At the psychological moment, Hitler would appear in the door at the back of the hall. Then with a small group behind him, he would march through the rows of S.A. men to reach the speakers table. He never glanced to the right or to the left as he came down the aisle and became greatly annoyed if anyone tried to accost him or hampered his progress. Whenever possible he would have a band present, and would strike up a lively military march as he came down the aisle (Lan ger, 1972: p. 46). [5] To a certain extent, a Cult of Stalin Worship developed from a sense of paranoia because he wanted people to deify him and if he had to accomplish it though brutal means then he was prepared to do so. [6] Moreover, it might be said that the loyal adulation of Hitler signified the most effective political instrument of power in Nazi Germany, therefore there was no reliance and dependence on massive domestic constrain that was typical feature for Stalins rule. Evidence II: Propaganda Æ’Â controlling every single aspect of daily-life Æ’Â parades and marches provided a sense of order and gave a feeling of belonging. So that the unity between the people was very firm. Æ’Â youth indoctrination The second key factor strengthening the effectiveness of Hitlers power was the Nazi propaganda that played very substantial role in the setting of totalitarian society. In essence, the primary objective of Hitlers propaganda was not the ideological enlightenment of the masses, but their mobilization for action through extensive spreading of ideas and symbols aimed at influencing opinion and attitude of wide range of people. For Hitler, propaganda was the sharpest weapon in conquering the state, and remains the sharpest weapon in maintaining and building up the state (Hinton Hite, 2000: p. 244). It can be affirmed that every propaganda was the preparation of political activities (Unger, 1974:p. 35). Hitlers effectiveness to indoctrinate society might be seen in fact that the high cultural level of the Germans allowed the Nazis to extensively apply the technical potentialities of modern propaganda as far as possible; therefore Nazis propagandist intended to develop the manipulation of words and symbols into the highest creative art (Unger, 1974: p. 47). [EVIDENCE Æ’Â Unger p. 43] [7] In some way, this propaganda had also considerable success in strengthening overall support for Hitler and the regime, by reinforcing enthusiasm for a strong leader who was capable of making Germany economically and military powerful. For instance, the Nuremberg rallies brought some excitement into peoples lives and gave them a sense of belonging to a great movement. [EVIDENCE Æ’Â DATA, STATISTICS World History] In contrast, Stalins propaganda contended with the lack of technical skills and the virtues of labour disciple therefore the effectiveness of propaganda was very limited. Due to the lack of modern mass media in the Soviet Union, a large illiterate masses (especially peasantries), were only indoctrinated by oral agitation which was hardly disseminate across large distances. There were no cultural and informational media which cemented the framework of modern society, therefore the Soviet propaganda was full of stereotyped monotony of Stalins declarative and simplistic slogans convincing the Russians about Stalins greatness and invincibility. In other words, Soviet propaganda had to be adapted to the capacity of the least intelligent and constant repetition was one of its main weapons (Unger, 1974: p. 46). Æ’Â forcible collectivization of agriculture led to a direct clash between Stalins regime and the majority of the population therefore the rapid mobilization /////In Conquests view, the alienation distinctly increased before the wartime since many Russians started to hate Stalin for the misery he triggered; therefore it led to gradual decline in morale and discipline (Conquest, 1991: p. ). In case of Stalin, the propaganda tool was used to a limited extent and often in a wrong way. It is essential to mention that the widespread fear between the Russian population resulted in limited ability to believe Stalins promises and slogans. EVIDENCE !!!!!! ////Æ’Â Additionally, it is vital to perceive that Hitlers leading effectiveness was mainly achieved by remarkable Nazi propaganda that enhance the popularity of policies that were genuinely popular, for instance, public works projects (autobahn) or the 1933 Farm Law assuring subsidies for farms. Whereas Stalins propaganda was directed at forming a measure of acceptance for politics that were quite undesirable, such as compulsory collectivization and rapid industrialization. [FOOTNOTES Æ’Â EVIDENCE!!!!!] Unger Citation!!! _______________________________________________________ [7] According to historian Dick Geary, the Nazi propaganda was most successful: where it could play upon the traditional German prejudices and values of German middle-class society upon issues such as nationalism, anti-socialism, family issuesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Geary, 1993: p. 59). [8] Evidence III: The Use of Terror and Violence The third crucial element related to Hitlers effective leadership is the use of terror and violence. Terroristic aspect of the two regimes appears to be very significant in order to compare the leadership qualities of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Hitler seems to have had no deliberate policy of destabilization. In a sense, he tried to protect his deified leadership position by his non-bureaucratic and non-interventionist governance because he did not want to lose a popularity by deciding some unpopular policies. Furthermore, Hitler did not rule internally by terror even so his regime was deeply authoritarian and disciplinary. This means that his effectiveness based on the ability to maintain a supporting base of Nazi members in order to strengthen his own position but also to stabilize the party apparatus. However, with the exception of his purge of the Storm Trooper leadership on the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, Hitler never triggered a systematic attack on members of his ow n regime. However, It is important to note that Hitler never initiated an organized terror on members of his regime. It is significant to highlight that Hitler had his leadership position technically more secure than Stalin. On the other hand, Stalin personified the creature of bureaucracy therefore he appeared intentionally to destabilize government to turn this to his advantage; in the mid-1930s Stalin mainly instigated the liquidation of the kulaks as a class and great purges against his closest supporters in order to eliminate all challenges to his absolutistic rule but also he used the brutality of collectivization to infected the whole political system with the lust for blood and any criticism came to be identified with the sabotage of class enemies (Sakwa, 1998: p. 40). To a considerable extent, Stalins purges and the extensive use of terror and violence undermined the stability of his position and intensify his opposition within the Party sector (Kershaw, 1997: p. 93). However, it might be said that the use of purges represented a kind of weapon against the unstoppable power and expansion of Stalinist bureaucracy which seemed to malfunction. Also Stalins paranoid mentality resulted in unprecedent ed brutality used as an instrument for applying and implementing his policies and terrorizing his followers and Soviet citizens. Therefore he used purges and the Show Trials to remove Old Bolshevik rivals like Zinoniev and Kamenev, in order to destroy their reputation, so that he alone could take the credit for the Communist Partys achievements. Additionally, Steve Rosefielde argues that in the years 1929-38, the average Gulag forced labour population was about 8.8 million, and that the total adult losses attributable to forced labour, collectivization and the purges was over 20 million (Sakwa, 1998: p. 41). This, in fact, resulted in a greater alienation of masses and sustained the Soviet peoples sense of anxiety and feeling of helplessness thus they responded to Stalins force by self-control and dissimulation (Cassinelli, 1976: p. 129). Furthermore, the Purges disruptive effects were felt in the development of industry where the destruction of qualified engineers and managers seri ously undermined the Second Five Year Plan and accounts for Stalins reduction in the scale of the purges in 1939. Nonetheless the destructive policies penetrated through Stalins autocracy and the Soviet people felt perpetually insecure therefore this led to escalation of opposition between the Soviet citizens which had weakening effect on Stalins power. Evidence IV: The Major Economic Policies Another important factor that reflects Hitlers effective leadership is the series of economic policies implemented in 1930s. The main success of Hitlers economic recovery based on the total elimination of unemployment and on stabilization of German economy and progress towards an economy that would prepare Germany for war. For instance, Dr. Schacht organized Germanys finances to fund a huge programme of work creation; the increase in government spending (from RM 8.6 billion in 1932 to RM 29.3 billion by 1938) resulted in schemes to build a network of autobahns or conservation programmes. Moreover, Hitler concentrated on need to gear the economy for war It is important to highlight that Hitler was aware that he needed the support of the German people and could not risk to exacerbate their living standards at the cost of military supremacy. In 1930s, Hitler developed managed economy in Nazi Germany and in 1936 he focused on the Four Year Plan Æ’Â autobahn completed, industry rebuilt, farmers: Blood and Soil, Workers: Strength Through Joy Æ’Â Germany was a great economic power Stalin Æ’Â unsuccessful FYPs collectivization and industrialization still backward- inability to catch up the West!! On the other hand, it might be argued that Stalins economic policies had only moderate short-term success. established the command economy [*9*] in the Soviet Union, clearly without this economic concept USSR would not survived. However, Stalins Five Year Plans were followed by forcible collectivization of the peasantry in order to erase all traces of capitalism and transform Soviet Union into fully industrialized, self-sufficient and completely socialist state without regard to cost. It is significant to point out that the effort to fulfill overambitious plans and resistance to collectivization led to acute shortage throughout the economy. It can be argued that despite the Stalin The top priority was investment in heavy industry which was view as the key to rapid economic growth and as an essential guarantee of national security. The acceleration continued through the Second Five Year Plan and extended into consumer goods. Against a background of a political purges and partial wartime mobilization, the pace of industrial growth slackened in the three years of the Third Five Year Plan, and such growth as took place may be attributed to territorial expansion. (p. 152-3) Falsification Æ’Â It is vital to point out that Stalins leadership proved to be inefficient in terms of improving the Russian economy in the long run and great human expense. According to Isaac Deutscher, Stalins All-out Drive revolution from above appeared to be unsuccessful attempt to stimulate the production and increase the output because it lacked all rules of logic and principles of economies which were turned upside down (Cassinelli, 1976: p. 117). It is important to realize that Stalins economic policies were aimed at satisfying his own ideology rather than for benefit of people. This clearly supports the initial claim that Stalin was less effective leader than Hitler. _______________________________________________________ [*9*] Soviet planned or command economy was a type of economy in which centralized, bureaucratic management of economy, GOSPLAN, made a wide range of decisions penetrating to production and wages. Basically, the key objectives of centrally planned economy were to build socialism as quickly as possible and centralize the decision making and control. [10] In 1932, the number of unemployed in Germany was 5.6 million, however in 1938 there were only 0.2 unemployed in Nazi Germany. [EVIDENCE] Debate: Intentionalist view and Hitlers Effective Leadership Qualities Intentionalist view Æ’Â Hitlers leadership domination and effectiveness was apparent in connection with [***]Hitlers dictatorship presented very extreme and intensive totalitarian demands of modern state, such as unexpected degree of violence and oppression, unprecedented manipulation of mass media to gain control and mobilize the masses, an unaccustomed cynicism in the international relations, an extraordinary aggression of nationalism and pestilent power of ideological racial superiority. Additionally, this specific dictatorship demonstrated that the modern, advanced and cultural society could fall headlong into barbarism. Indeed, Hitlers form of dictatorship meant the collapse of the modern civilization. On the other hand, Stalin personified a type of leader who focused on the continuity of Leninist tradition. By contrast, Stalin used hostility and terror as a normal feature of government when the USSR was in peace. His dictatorship resulted in creation of a personality cult of monstrous proportions but he never achieved a popular acceptance for his policies as Hitler did. ******It is vital to highlight that Hitler was more effective leader in terms of his cult of personality, propaganda and social and economic policies to 1941. This year represented a key turning point in Hitlers power and effectivity. Hitlers clash with Stalin indicated that the existing distribution of powerfulness was no longer able to outlast. It is very interesting to see the rapid transformation of power from Hitler to Stalin. Therefore it may be argued that, from the chronological perspective, Hitler was able to keep his authority at the highest position so his leadership skills were clearly better than Stalins abilities. Conclusion In conclusion, although Hitler signified a leader of one of the purest autocracies, there were some limits to his power, but it is essential to point out that these limits did not result from imperfections in his machinery of power but mainly from the context within which Hitler has to operate. However, Hitlers success might be apparent in regard to popular acceptance of his policies but also most Germans appreciated the sense of national community which was constantly instilled into them by Hitler. Furthermore, Hitlers long-lasting interest for the material-well being and social standing gave his regime a popular legitimacy that was one of the greatest success to his power. Security Management: Instant Messaging Perspective Security Management: Instant Messaging Perspective Executive Summary Nowadays, Instant messaging (IM) is used in the corporate environment which is rising rapidly, as organizations welcome to accept IM as a business communications tool. IM promotes cooperation and real-time communication among employees, business partners, and customers. It also brings new threats to local area network security and makes organizations to have a potential risks when employees share illegal or inappropriate content over the internet. Organizations are also faced with reduced employee productivity when IM is used arbitrarily and for personal communications. When use of IM is unmonitored and uncontrolled, it can lead to a significant drain on IT resources, as the IT staff attempt to identify which IM applications are being used and by whom. Moreover, when instant messaging is used to send and receive files, not only can the resulting drain on bandwidth negatively impact network performance, but the files themselves can pose a serious security threat. This report provides information to better understand threats of IM and mitigate its impact to business. The threats of IM are investigated. The trend in growing targets and number of cases are related to IM threats are analyzed. The impacts to business are assessed to identify areas of security management require great concern. Finally, measures are introduced to improve security management such that IM threats become manageable and their impact is reduced. 1. Introduction Today, Instant Messaging (IM) applications have rapidly become accepted by businesses as viable employee communications tools. IM is more instant than email, obviously easy-to-use, and provides the real-time collaboration organizations need to ensure quick judgments and decisions. Using Instant Messaging, organizations and their business partners can make a conference, share files and information easily over the Internet. Furthermore, within the organization, IM conversations among project team members can resolve issues and questions in an instantsomething that might have taken a series of emails, telephone calls, or face-to-face meetings to carry out. IM can be used to provide immediate replies to requests. It can also help promote personal relationships with customers and remote employees, and assist customers in completing transactions with Web-based businesses. This report is shown the concern of security of IM and gives some countermeasure to deal with IM threats. 2. Findings and Analysis 2.1 What threats are related to Instant Messaging? l Worms A worm is a self-replicating computer program. It uses a network to send copies of itself to other nodes and it may do without any user participation. In case of instant messaging, antivirus software does not currently monitor traffic at OSI Model-network layer. If a worm starts to spread via instant messaging, it cannot be stopped before it reached the remotes computer. Dissimilar a virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing application or program. Worm almost always causes damage to the network when it drains the network bandwidth. On the contrary, virus almost always corrupt or modify files on a targeted computer. The number of instant messaging worms is rising steadily. This is made clear when one considers the list of recent IM worms: n dubbed Pykse.A (16 April 2007) n W32/Rbot-GRS (26 June 2007) However, a few antivirus applications can plug in to instant messaging clients for scanning files when they are received. The lack of applications scanning instant messaging network traffic is partly due to the difficulty in monitoring instant messaging traffic so that the antivirus product running at the desktop level can catch the worms. l Backdoor Trojan Horses Instant messaging clients allow peer-to-peer file sharing, the instant messaging client to share all files on the system with full access to everyone can be configured by a Trojan Horse and in this way gain backdoor access to the computer. Moreover, the victim computer is on-line; a notification will be send to hacker automatically. So hacker can keeps track and accesses the infected computer easily. Besides, the hacker does not need to open new suspicious ports for communication in that hacker can instead use already open instant messaging ports. Classic backdoor trojans open an outgoing listening port on the computer, forming a connection with a remote machine. If the trojan operates via the instant messaging client, it does not open a new port as the user has usually already created an allow rule for instant messaging traffic to be outbound from their machine, therefore, allowing the backdoor trojan horse using the same channel to go unblocked. l Hijacking and Impersonation Users can be impersonated in many different ways by hacker. The most frequently used attack is solely stealing the account information of an unsuspecting user using the instant messaging or IRC application. Hacker can execute a password-stealing trojan horse to obtain the account information of a user. If the password for the instant messaging client is saved on the computer, the hacker could send a trojan to an unsuspecting user. When trojan executed, it would find the password for the instant messaging account used by the victim and send it back to the hacker. l Denial of Service Instant messaging may lead a computer vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attacks. These attacks may have different outcomes: A lot of DoS attacks make the instant messaging client crash, hang, and in some cases consume a large amount of computer processing power and causing the entire computer to become unstable. There are many ways in which a hacker can cause a denial of service on an instant messenger client. Furthermore, they are used to combine with other attacks, such as the hijacking of a connection and form a bot network to attack other servers. l Unauthorized Disclosure of Information Information disclosure could occur without the use of a trojan horse. Once the data that is being transmitted via the instant messaging network is not encrypted, a network sniffer can sniff data on most types of networks and can be used to capture the instant messaging traffic. Also, a hacker could sniff the packets from an entire instant messaging session. It can be very dangerous as hacker may gain access to privileged information. It is especially dangerous in the corporate environment in that confidential information may be transmitted along the instant messaging network. 2.2 Recent Incidents Case 1: New IM worm targets Skype users (Published date: 17 Apr 2007) Affected: The IM worm affects Skype users running Windows. Threat Type: Worm Description: A new instant-messaging pest that spreads using the chat feature in Skype has surfaced, security firm F-Secure warned. The worm, dubbed Pykse.A, is similar to threats that affect instant-messaging applications. A targeted Skype user will receive a chat message with text and a Web link that looks like it goes to a JPEG file on a Web site, F-Secure said on its Web site. Clicking the link will redirect the user to a malicious file. The file, after executing, will send a malicious link to all online contacts in a Skype users list and will show a picture of a scantily clad woman, F-Secure said. In addition, it sets the users Skype status message to Do Not Disturb, the security firm said. Pykse also visits a number of Web sites that dont host any malicious code and a site that appears to count infected machines, F-Secure said. The Finnish security company doesnt list any particular malicious payload for Pykse other than it spreading and visiting Web sites. Status: Skype also recommends using antivirus software to check the files received from other people. Case 2: Next-generation Skype Trojan hits web (Published date: 26 Mar 2007) Affected: Warezov Trojan horse to target Skype users. Threat Type: Trojan Horse Description: Miscreants have again adapted the Warezov Trojan horse to target Skype users. The attack is similar to threats that target instant-messaging applications. A targeted Skype user will receive a chat message with the text Check up this and a link to a malicious executable called file_01.exe on a website. Once infected, a computer will be at the beck and call of the attacker and the Trojan horse will start sending messages to the victims Skype contacts to propagate. Status: Skype warned users against opening the malicious file, take caution in general when opening attachments, and also recommends using antivirus software to check incoming files. Case 3: AIM bot creates fight combos to spread (Published date: 18 Sep 2006) Affected: Online attackers have created an instant-messaging bot program for AOL instant messaging that chains together a number of executable files, similar to the combination moves in fight games. Threat type: Worm and Bot Description: The software, dubbed the AIM Pipeline worm, uses modular executable files to infect machines with different functionality but also to make the bot networks growth more robust: if a Web site hosting one of the components gets shutdown, the other pieces of the worm can still spread. Status: America Online has blocked the URLs used in the messages sent by the AIM Pipeline worm. 2.3 Trends l Increase in IM threats IM Security Center researchers tracked 33 malicious code attacks over IM networks during the month of September, bringing the 2007 total to 297. This is a 20% increase in IM threats compared with the same time period last year. (SAN DIEGO Akonix Systems, Inc 2007) Research also indicates that there are more targets affected by IM threats (SANS Institute 2006) l New type of IM worms New IM worms identified include Agent-GCG, Ataxbot, Exploit-VcardGadget, Focelto, MSNFunny, IMBot, MsnSend, MSN-WhoBlocked, Neeris, Pykse, Skipi, STRATION and Yalove. IRCBot was the most common with four variants, followed by Imaut and Neeris with two, respectively. Akonix tracked 16 attacks on P2P networks, such as Kazaa and eDonkey (SAN DIEGO Akonix Systems, Inc) l Evolution of IM threats The vulnerability of IM are used in botnet communication and spread the bot and worms to another computers. When the hacker send the command to botnet army, the consequence of attacks is very serious. Unlike other attacks, botnet can comprised of thousands of computer power to perform a variety of attacks against a wide range target. For example, the botmaster can command each zombie participant in a botnet to launch spamming e-mails to steal the credit card information and launch Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks simultaneously against the thousands of computer. 2.4 Factors for growth of IM threats The growth of instant messaging usage within the organization, vulnerabilities in public IM networks occur during the process of transferring files. When a user transfers files or uses other IM features like file sharing or voice chat, users IP address is revealed. Using this IP address, hackers can have ability to attack the system. Some organizations configure their firewalls to block ports used by IM applications or block the external addresses of IM network servers. But IM applications can be configured to change ports automatically and are capable of penetrating firewalls through ports used by other applications. (For example: port 80). So policy control management is required. 3. Impact to Business Once the IM threats occur in the organizations, they face a significant security risk from disclosure of intellectual property or business-critical information using IMs file attachment capability. As IM is a highly informal means of communication, employees can unintentionally send critical company-confidential information, such as product specifications, code, and blueprints, or private customer data, to friends, colleagues, and competitors. There are three main concerns of using the IM which are identified. l Legal Liability concerns The danger of allowing employees to use IM at work under lacking of security management, the viruses and worms is very easy to expose. On the other hand, organizations face legal and compliance risks when employees share copyrighted, illegal, or inappropriate content via instant messaging. Unmonitored IM applications allow employees to openly transfer files and information that could lead to significant corporate liability. For example, transferring copyrighted MP3 files, movies, and software using IM is common among friends and bypasses the file size restrictions of email. l Employee productivity loss Many employees have already adopted IM which they prefer that IM is regarded as the personal connection with friends of family, because it has not used the telephone to be obvious, talking cant be eavesdropped. Employees can seem it is work, in their keyboard is typed and left, been exchanging the personal connection with friends of family all the time. l IT resource abuse Most organizations dont know what kind of IM should be installed on computer, which employees should use the IM and how often to use IM for business communication such as send, receive files, video conferencing. In addition, it is not uncommon for intensive file sharing over the IM that can influence the performance of the network. 4. Dealing with Instant Messaging threats IM threats can be operated by insider (employees) and outsider (hacker). According to the Figure 4-1, Operational-level employees want to increase their ability to override controls mechanisms base on some factors such as fear of lose their job whereas the top level-manger want to have control mechanism to monitor all harmful activity in the organization. However, top level-mangers always neglect the risk of middle-level managers whose have part of administrative power to act as insider. So that good security management must be executed in the organization to avoid or mitigate the insider and outsider activities. Consequently, prevention, detection, incident response and controls are good measures for security management. 4.1 Prevention Ensure that vendor patches are promptly applied to instant messaging software, interrelated applications, and the underlying operating system. Firewalls to separate all DMZs, internal networks and external un-trusted networks Monitor using an Intrusion Detection/ Prevention system for users. Create secure communications channel when using instant messaging with trusted business partners Do not rely on external IM servers for internal use of instant messaging. Install and use anti-virus and anti-spyware applications. Consider disposing the clear products designed for instant messaging safely. Some product like as Trend Micro IM Security for Microsoft Office and Symantec IM Manager 2007 seamlessly manages can be used for mitigation of the potential risks associated in that they acts a filter and detector between internal and external. Using Multi-factors authentication or biometric authentication to prevent the hacker to login the target computers. 4.2 Detection Monitor and detect using an Intrusion Detection for users creating tunnels for instant messaging. An intrusion detection system (IDS) generally detects unwanted manipulations of computer systems, mainly through the Internet. Enable the auto detect mode of updated antivirus and anti-spyware products for client computer. Filter all http traffic through an authenticating proxy server or firewall to provide additional capabilities of filtering or monitoring instant messaging traffic. Appropriately configure intrusion detection systems. Understand that many instant messaging applications are capable of enabling associated communications to masquerade as otherwise allowed traffic (e.g. http). 4.3 Incident Response Block popular instant messaging ports. Block access to known public instant messaging servers that have not been explicitly authorized. Virus-scanning software at all critical entry points such as firewalls, remote access server, e-mail servers etc. Ensure that vendor patches are promptly applied to instant messaging software, interrelated applications, and the underlying operating system. 4.4 Management Policy Controls Establish policies for acceptable use of instant messaging and ensure that all users are aware of those policies and clearly understand the potential risks. General users should not be allowed to install software. Limit Administrative and Power User level privileges to support personnel with their support ability. If a user must have Administrative or Power User privileges, create a separate account to be used for their daily office functions, internet surfing and on-line communication. 5. Conclusion Instant messaging has clearly taken off as a means of communication. The ability to communicate in real-time makes it an ideal medium for both business and personal communication. Unfortunately, threats that affect instant messaging already exist today, including worms and vulnerabilities that can give hackers remote access to vulnerable computers and can replicate in seconds can affect more than just instant messaging. Therefore, end users and corporations should employ basic security countermeasure. However, update the patch of product can mitigate the occurrence of threats, but these measures are not enough to prevent the network security. Corporations should have other measures for security such as prevention, detection and incident response. Furthermore, management controls are available to less the impact of IM threats. Once these measures get implement, IM threats must become manageable as a result of reducing the damage of business. References Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord (2004) Management of Information Security, Boston, Mass.; London: Thomson/Course Technology Joris Evers (2007) New IM worm targets Skype users, Cnet, Available:,130061744,339274904,00.htm (17 Apr 2007) Joris Evers (2007) Next-generation Skype Trojan hits web, Silicon, Available:,3800003100,39166534,00.htm (26 Mar 2007) (2006) AIM bot creates fight combos to spread, Security Focus, Available: (18 Sep 2006) San Diego (2007) Akonix Intros IM Security Appliance, Dark Reading, Available: (29 MAY, 2007) San Diego (2007) Akonixs Threat Center tracks 33 IM attacks , Dark Reading, Available: (28 Sep 2007) SANS Institute (2006) SANS Top-20 Internet Security Attack Targets, Available: (15 Nov 2006) Symantec (2006) Protect Your Business from Instant Messaging Threats, Available: (11 Jul 2006) Symantec (2007) Internet Security Threat Report 2007, Avalable: (13 Jun 2007)
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