Thursday, December 26, 2019
Oedipus and Othello Essay - 573 Words
We as humans repress certain emotion to help us forget about a tragic event. In psychology catharsis is a form of technique that is used to relieve any type of anxiety by bringing repressed feelings and fears to consciousness. In tragic plays catharsis is the emotion that makes the audience feel pity, fear, and a sense of relief instead of hopelessness in the end of the play. In the tragedies Oedipus the king by Sophocles and Othello the moor of Venice by Shakespeare we feel these same emotions towards Oedipus and Othello. We pity them as the audience is faced with their tribulation. We fear because failure can hit anyone and it shows that we humans are easily susceptible. In the end the audience comes to an understanding of relief instead†¦show more content†¦We see Oedipus wife/ mother commit suicide and Oedipus blinds himself. Othello believes that he must kill the women he loves, that is innocent to rumor he held against her. Then kills him to justify the crime he commit s when he finds out the truth. The audience feels this pity even though we are repulsed by these actions. Shakespeare and Sophocles made their heroes to be these strong men with confidence, power, stature and strong judgment of reason. As both Oedipus and Othello have high standings. Like any hero they have to fulfill a quest to save both their countries. Oedipus the king of Thebes must save his kingdom from the plague and Othello the brave and skillful commander that must keep Cyprus away from the Turks. Failure is not an option for these men but, as we know their fates are not in their hands. Seeing failure in our heroes is what gives the audience a harsh reminder that we are not all that powerful and we are easily susceptible. Look at Oedipus he runs away from his fate but instead it caught up to him. Revealing the truth, he killed his real father and innocently has sexual intercourse with his mother. In the end he blinds himself and is banished from Thebes. Othello the deeply in love with his wife and was told that she was having affair with his second commanding officer. In the end he killed his wife and committed suicide. To take away ones hope is dangerous to play with, Sophocles explores thisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Oedipus and Othello 1793 Words  | 8 Pagesliterature, particularly, the will of the gods is commonly attributed to human experiences. In Oedipus the King, for instance, the oracle’s message that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his own mother suggests that he was a puppet in the hands of the gods, who manipulated the events that led to his fall. However, the character’s fate is not entirely attributable to the work of the gods. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Addiction Paper - 4196 Words
Addiction: Alternative Treatments PSY 425 February 1, 2006 Introduction The initial exposure to any drug addiction treatment is an overwhelming experience. Whether one attends an Alcoholics Anonymous session, a Detox facility, or a Psychiatric in-patient center, one unavoidable conclusion manifests itself: Addiction is a horrible situation for any human being. The following paper looks at several different elements of the addiction treatment environment, and from differing modalities to success rates, addiction treatment is examined, contrasted and compared. Modalities There are many options for the treatment of alcohol and drug addition. These treatments are referred to as modalities. Treatment modalities are most often referred†¦show more content†¦Treatment may include individual and group therapy, nutritional counseling, vocational training, relapse prevention support, educational services and 12-step substance abuse programs. In addition to these services, many facilities provide medically supervised detoxification. Patients are immersed in the treatment routine of the facility and generally have limited access to the outside world. This enables the facility to reduce the incidence of patients using drugs or alcohol while in treatment. This type of treatment modality tends to be very expensive with the cost for a 28 day-program in a hospital-like setting amounting to over $15,000. The length of stay is not based on any research data, but is limited by the cost and insurance restraints (Alcohol and Drug, 2006). After the 28-day program, patients may elect to go to a half-way house. This enables the addicts to reintroduce themselves to mainstream society while still maintaining the structured living environment. After successfully completing the stay at the halfway house, patients move on to reestablishing themselves in society. These patients may continue to attend a 12-step program to maintain their hard won recovery. Outpatient/Self-help treatment programs are designed so that the addict continues to live at home but attends treatment sessions or meetings. Many outpatient facilities offer the same type of services as the inpatient facilities, but on a limited basis. Instead of being totalingShow MoreRelatedConceptualizing Addiction Paper1038 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Conceptualizing Addiction Paper Kristina Lamey May 25, 2015 BSHS/455 David Elkins Conceptualizing Addiction Paper The history of addiction goes back centuries, and unfortunately, there is still a long way to go for people to realize the effects of chemical substances do more harm than good. The difference between drug use and abuse relies heavily on a person’s dependence on the substance. The line between the differences is often very fine. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Theory and Practice of Investment Management
Question: Discuss about the Theory and Practice of Investment Management. Answer: Introduction John Singleton is one of the successful Australian entrepreneurs who were born on 9th November 1941. This research paper will help in reflecting the history, growth and the achievements of the Australian entrepreneur John Singleton whos full name is John Desmond Singleton. The skills, traits and leadership qualities of an entrepreneur help in providing some sort of motivation to the deterrent employees of any of the firm. This research paper will help in highlighting the different businesses of John Singleton as well as the advantages of its businesses as compared with the other entrepreneurs. There are some of the future suggestions which need to be implemented by the entrepreneurs. History, development, and growth of the entrepreneur He was born on 9th November 1941 and is the founder member of different businesses such as radio, hotels, horse racing as well as publishing. There are seven children from his six marriages. There were many ups and down throughout his childhood days. His life partner till the year 2011 was Yvette Hartman. The survey conducted by Business magazines revealed the fact that he was among 200 of the top richest people. These are different facts reveal his struggle and patience at the young age and it was very difficult for him to come up these barriers (Kendrick 2010). The business ventures include publishing, radios, and the hotels along with horse racing. In his early days, John Singleton he played for a Rugby club throughout the 1970s. He has the desired skills, which helped him in succeeding his business top a larger extent. This stage of his life evaluated the growth of an entrepreneur and which helped him in succeeding his business process within the concerned market segments. He wit h his friend named Gerry Harvey owned the gold coast thoroughbred firm. In the year 1973 he became the Managing director for DDBs Australian operations. It is evident to know that working internationally became a major challenge for him and thus he left that particular business. He was held as the executive director for creation for Qantas commercials. Role of family and socio-cultural background in developing the passion of entrepreneurial The family members play the most vital role in developing the passion for an entrepreneur. The social and the cultural background create the crucial impact on the minds of the individuals and affect their future career in both ways i.e. positive and negative (Mazzarol 2014). His fathers experiences of his father provided him some sort of motivation for working harder and this is considered to be very helpful in enhancing his skills (Mohd Sidek 2016). On the other hand, it has been seen that the social and cultural factors influence the activities' of the concerned Entrepreneurs. The social factors consist of certain elements such as the individualistic factors and organizational factors (Tiffany, Peterson and Barrow 2012). The family plays the most significant role in providing motivation and desired encouragements to the candidates related to his job and skills. The traits and the behaviors of the successful entrepreneurs reveal his cultural background and this plays the major part in managing his future job activities (Holbeche 2010). There are certain theories such as the family orientation theory which highlights the sources for the respective entrepreneurial characteristics as well as the emergence of the different entrepreneurs. The primary motive of this theory is to reflect the desired role of the family members in the development of entrepreneurial character (Disselkamp 2009). It has been seen that the experiences and the characteristics of his father and mother help in bringing up a successful entrepreneur for Australia. He started his career in the year 1960 with an advertising agency in Sydney. He won merely three awards for writing from the concerned university and this lead for a contract with the agency of creative artists throughout sophomore year. Businesses and the competitive advantage of the business compared to other entrepreneurs There were three types of businesses developed by John Singleton; they were radio, horseracing, hotels and Publishing. There are two radio networks of John Singleton named as the Macquarie and Virgin radio. He was critically involved with the Qantas and then made an awesome commercial for Qantas. One of his major businesses is the STW which helped him in generating a larger amount of the finance (Fabozzi and Markowitz 2011). Then the business was expanded into the different market segments. On the other hand, he was also engaged in the horse racing and the publishing. The next business of the firm is the development and execution of the hotel business. The primary motive of the firm was to provide excellent services the different market segments of Australia. This particular business provided the desired advantage to John as compared with the other entrepreneurs as the products were of Australia and therefore the people can easily believe the quality of services and moreover the pric es were affordable for the people (Ghaemi 2011). The next business was the publishing which mainly focused on the style prevailing throughout the different market segments. He was greatly involved with the Qantas and then he became the member of Order of The Australia. Moreover, he was popularly known for the career life he had. He had six marriages which were not considered to be an even travel for him throughout his livelihood as well as it is extremely recognized within the Australian communicational business. It is evident to know that he became very popular for promoting the beer brand throughout the different market segments of Australia. Future suggestions for the entrepreneur It is very important for an entrepreneur to look upon his traits and behavioral characterizes as these plays the most crucial role in developing effective leadership qualities for managing the concerned firm. There are some of the crucial recommendations as to implement the different leadership theories such as the transformational, participative as well as the transactional leadership styles (Gunzel-Jensen et al.2016). There are different tips from well-known researchers for the entrepreneurs to become successful. These are challenging you, caring for the work, taking the risk, believing in you, having the distinct and effective vision, finding the goods and the right people, facing the fears, taking effective actions, managing the time and building efficiency and effective team for the desired growth and expansion of the firm (Verbeke et al. 2011). There are different types of the business for which the entrepreneurs needs to be careful such s the selling businesses. Managing the e ntire firm is considered to be the primary responsibility of an entrepreneur as it helps in developing the effective team for carrying out the useful work. Participative style of leadership helps in taking an active part of the employees in the decision-making the process of the firm and therefore the entrepreneur needs to encourage the employees to take the active part in the decision king process of the firm (Halsall 2015). Development of the effective team helps to enhance the business process and brings out more profitability for the firm. Taking risks is another vital point for an entrepreneur which helps in expanding its respective business processes to a large extent. Conclusion John is one of the successful Australian entrepreneurs and was famous during his prime time. This paper revealed his history, growth, achievements and establishment of different businesses. There were three types of businesses developed by John Singleton; they were Radio, Hotels, horse racing, and Publishing. He had six marriages from which there were seven children. Expansion of the effectual team helps to augment the business method and brings out more productivity for any of the firm. The social as well as the cultural background generate vital impact on the minds of the individuals and affect their future career. There are certain theories such as the family orientation theory which highlights the sources for the respective entrepreneurial characteristics as well as the emergence of the different entrepreneurs. It is, therefore, recommended to develop effective leadership skills as to enhance the growth of the business to the international market segments. . Managing the complete firm is measured to be the primary duty of an entrepreneur as it helps in developing the effectual team for carrying out the useful work. References Disselkamp, L, (2009),No boundaries, Hoboken, N,J,: Wiley. Fabozzi, F, and Markowitz, H, (2011),The theory and practice of investment management, Hoboken, N,J,: John Wiley Sons. Ghaemi, S, (2011),A first-rate madness, New York: Penguin Press. Gunzel-Jensen, F, Jain, A, and Kjeldsen, A, (2016), Distributed leadership in health care: The role of formal leadership styles and organizational efficacy, Leadership. Halsall, R, (2015), The role of CEO (auto-) biographies in the dissemination of neo-ascetic leadership styles,Leadership. Holbeche, L, (2010),HR leadership, Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Kendrick, R, (2010),Cyber Risks for Business Professionals, Ely: IT Governance Pub. Mazzarol, T, (2014), Research review: A review of the latest research in the field of small business and entrepreneurship,Small Enterprise Research, 21(1), pp,2-13. Mohd Sidek, N, (2016),Proceedings of the ASEAN Entrepreneurship Conference 2014, Springer Singapore. Tiffany, P, Peterson, S, and Barrow, C, (2012), Business plans for dummies, Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Verbeke, A, Tavares, A, and Tulder, R, (2011), Entrepreneurship in the global firm, Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Lawyer Essays - Legal Professions, Practice Of Law, Legal Ethics
Lawyer A day in the life of an attorney. Its said that its the last job you'll ever want. (source 1) Over thirty percent of lawyers who receive their law degrees are not practicing law regularly ten years after graduation. Attorneys can work up to eighteen hours a day and more than three thousand hours in a year on cases. (source 1) Lawyers also spend time in law libraries or record rooms, in the homes and offices of clients, and sometimes in jail cells. (source 22) Some courts, such as small claims, family, or surrogate, may have evening hours to provide flexibility to the community. Criminal arraignments may be held at any time of the day or night. Court hours are usually 9:00 - 5:00 with a one hour lunch break for most lawyers and judges. (source 22) Many of them spend their first few years finding out if they want to focus on transactional work or not like a district attorney, prosecutor or probate lawyers. (source 1) The number of people in the profession of an attorney are about 656,000, the percentage of them that are male is 70%. The percentage of women is 30%. Average hours worked per week is about 50,average starting salary $49,000, after 5 years $80,000, after 10-15 years $115,000. (source 1) Lately salaries for lawyers have gone up. Law firms such as Elkins L.L.P announced this summer it would offer rookie attorneys $90,500 starting pay. (source 2) We are all competing for the same law students. (source 2) Now most of the other firms in Dallas decided that they must raise their salaries by 20% In order to attract first rate lawyers. (source 2) These firms exceed more then 400 lawyers. (source 2) For the first year,an inexperienced lawyer may be paid $75,000. (source 2) The strong economy and growing demand for lawyers in some corporate-law areas, such as finance, litigation and health care, are driving the fee to increases, Crocker said. (source 16) The key is getting the top talent. If your firm doesn't follow suit your firm will slowly disintegrate. All of the smaller firms are the required to raise their salaries also. (source 2) 46% of respondents rate them low to very low in honesty and ethical standards. (source 3) 70% of lawyers polled in 1992 said if they could they would choose another profession. (source 4) Other studies show lawyers job satisfaction is dropping.There is a much higher level of alcholism, drug abuse, and symptoms of depression than those of the general population. (source 4) There is also dirty work that lawyers must do. Some of that work includes listening to the secrets of clients that practitioners would rather not hear but which they must listen to and listen to very carefully. Lawyers as a group have a lot of cynicism and unease, often with good reason. (source 6) Whether the defendant is a accused Unabomber, a nanny or an Oklahoma City bombing suspect, the public craves insight into the latest sensational tale. But when people tune in to television's lawyer-commentators, insight isn't always what they get. (source 10) Legal Issues
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