Thursday, December 26, 2019
Oedipus and Othello Essay - 573 Words
We as humans repress certain emotion to help us forget about a tragic event. In psychology catharsis is a form of technique that is used to relieve any type of anxiety by bringing repressed feelings and fears to consciousness. In tragic plays catharsis is the emotion that makes the audience feel pity, fear, and a sense of relief instead of hopelessness in the end of the play. In the tragedies Oedipus the king by Sophocles and Othello the moor of Venice by Shakespeare we feel these same emotions towards Oedipus and Othello. We pity them as the audience is faced with their tribulation. We fear because failure can hit anyone and it shows that we humans are easily susceptible. In the end the audience comes to an understanding of relief instead†¦show more content†¦We see Oedipus wife/ mother commit suicide and Oedipus blinds himself. Othello believes that he must kill the women he loves, that is innocent to rumor he held against her. Then kills him to justify the crime he commit s when he finds out the truth. The audience feels this pity even though we are repulsed by these actions. Shakespeare and Sophocles made their heroes to be these strong men with confidence, power, stature and strong judgment of reason. As both Oedipus and Othello have high standings. Like any hero they have to fulfill a quest to save both their countries. Oedipus the king of Thebes must save his kingdom from the plague and Othello the brave and skillful commander that must keep Cyprus away from the Turks. Failure is not an option for these men but, as we know their fates are not in their hands. Seeing failure in our heroes is what gives the audience a harsh reminder that we are not all that powerful and we are easily susceptible. Look at Oedipus he runs away from his fate but instead it caught up to him. Revealing the truth, he killed his real father and innocently has sexual intercourse with his mother. In the end he blinds himself and is banished from Thebes. Othello the deeply in love with his wife and was told that she was having affair with his second commanding officer. In the end he killed his wife and committed suicide. To take away ones hope is dangerous to play with, Sophocles explores thisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Oedipus and Othello 1793 Words  | 8 Pagesliterature, particularly, the will of the gods is commonly attributed to human experiences. In Oedipus the King, for instance, the oracle’s message that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his own mother suggests that he was a puppet in the hands of the gods, who manipulated the events that led to his fall. However, the character’s fate is not entirely attributable to the work of the gods. 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Othellos misfortune comes about because of his
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Addiction Paper - 4196 Words
Addiction: Alternative Treatments PSY 425 February 1, 2006 Introduction The initial exposure to any drug addiction treatment is an overwhelming experience. Whether one attends an Alcoholics Anonymous session, a Detox facility, or a Psychiatric in-patient center, one unavoidable conclusion manifests itself: Addiction is a horrible situation for any human being. The following paper looks at several different elements of the addiction treatment environment, and from differing modalities to success rates, addiction treatment is examined, contrasted and compared. Modalities There are many options for the treatment of alcohol and drug addition. These treatments are referred to as modalities. Treatment modalities are most often referred†¦show more content†¦Treatment may include individual and group therapy, nutritional counseling, vocational training, relapse prevention support, educational services and 12-step substance abuse programs. In addition to these services, many facilities provide medically supervised detoxification. Patients are immersed in the treatment routine of the facility and generally have limited access to the outside world. This enables the facility to reduce the incidence of patients using drugs or alcohol while in treatment. This type of treatment modality tends to be very expensive with the cost for a 28 day-program in a hospital-like setting amounting to over $15,000. The length of stay is not based on any research data, but is limited by the cost and insurance restraints (Alcohol and Drug, 2006). After the 28-day program, patients may elect to go to a half-way house. This enables the addicts to reintroduce themselves to mainstream society while still maintaining the structured living environment. After successfully completing the stay at the halfway house, patients move on to reestablishing themselves in society. These patients may continue to attend a 12-step program to maintain their hard won recovery. Outpatient/Self-help treatment programs are designed so that the addict continues to live at home but attends treatment sessions or meetings. Many outpatient facilities offer the same type of services as the inpatient facilities, but on a limited basis. Instead of being totalingShow MoreRelatedConceptualizing Addiction Paper1038 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Conceptualizing Addiction Paper Kristina Lamey May 25, 2015 BSHS/455 David Elkins Conceptualizing Addiction Paper The history of addiction goes back centuries, and unfortunately, there is still a long way to go for people to realize the effects of chemical substances do more harm than good. The difference between drug use and abuse relies heavily on a person’s dependence on the substance. The line between the differences is often very fine. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Theory and Practice of Investment Management
Question: Discuss about the Theory and Practice of Investment Management. Answer: Introduction John Singleton is one of the successful Australian entrepreneurs who were born on 9th November 1941. This research paper will help in reflecting the history, growth and the achievements of the Australian entrepreneur John Singleton whos full name is John Desmond Singleton. The skills, traits and leadership qualities of an entrepreneur help in providing some sort of motivation to the deterrent employees of any of the firm. This research paper will help in highlighting the different businesses of John Singleton as well as the advantages of its businesses as compared with the other entrepreneurs. There are some of the future suggestions which need to be implemented by the entrepreneurs. History, development, and growth of the entrepreneur He was born on 9th November 1941 and is the founder member of different businesses such as radio, hotels, horse racing as well as publishing. There are seven children from his six marriages. There were many ups and down throughout his childhood days. His life partner till the year 2011 was Yvette Hartman. The survey conducted by Business magazines revealed the fact that he was among 200 of the top richest people. These are different facts reveal his struggle and patience at the young age and it was very difficult for him to come up these barriers (Kendrick 2010). The business ventures include publishing, radios, and the hotels along with horse racing. In his early days, John Singleton he played for a Rugby club throughout the 1970s. He has the desired skills, which helped him in succeeding his business top a larger extent. This stage of his life evaluated the growth of an entrepreneur and which helped him in succeeding his business process within the concerned market segments. He wit h his friend named Gerry Harvey owned the gold coast thoroughbred firm. In the year 1973 he became the Managing director for DDBs Australian operations. It is evident to know that working internationally became a major challenge for him and thus he left that particular business. He was held as the executive director for creation for Qantas commercials. Role of family and socio-cultural background in developing the passion of entrepreneurial The family members play the most vital role in developing the passion for an entrepreneur. The social and the cultural background create the crucial impact on the minds of the individuals and affect their future career in both ways i.e. positive and negative (Mazzarol 2014). His fathers experiences of his father provided him some sort of motivation for working harder and this is considered to be very helpful in enhancing his skills (Mohd Sidek 2016). On the other hand, it has been seen that the social and cultural factors influence the activities' of the concerned Entrepreneurs. The social factors consist of certain elements such as the individualistic factors and organizational factors (Tiffany, Peterson and Barrow 2012). The family plays the most significant role in providing motivation and desired encouragements to the candidates related to his job and skills. The traits and the behaviors of the successful entrepreneurs reveal his cultural background and this plays the major part in managing his future job activities (Holbeche 2010). There are certain theories such as the family orientation theory which highlights the sources for the respective entrepreneurial characteristics as well as the emergence of the different entrepreneurs. The primary motive of this theory is to reflect the desired role of the family members in the development of entrepreneurial character (Disselkamp 2009). It has been seen that the experiences and the characteristics of his father and mother help in bringing up a successful entrepreneur for Australia. He started his career in the year 1960 with an advertising agency in Sydney. He won merely three awards for writing from the concerned university and this lead for a contract with the agency of creative artists throughout sophomore year. Businesses and the competitive advantage of the business compared to other entrepreneurs There were three types of businesses developed by John Singleton; they were radio, horseracing, hotels and Publishing. There are two radio networks of John Singleton named as the Macquarie and Virgin radio. He was critically involved with the Qantas and then made an awesome commercial for Qantas. One of his major businesses is the STW which helped him in generating a larger amount of the finance (Fabozzi and Markowitz 2011). Then the business was expanded into the different market segments. On the other hand, he was also engaged in the horse racing and the publishing. The next business of the firm is the development and execution of the hotel business. The primary motive of the firm was to provide excellent services the different market segments of Australia. This particular business provided the desired advantage to John as compared with the other entrepreneurs as the products were of Australia and therefore the people can easily believe the quality of services and moreover the pric es were affordable for the people (Ghaemi 2011). The next business was the publishing which mainly focused on the style prevailing throughout the different market segments. He was greatly involved with the Qantas and then he became the member of Order of The Australia. Moreover, he was popularly known for the career life he had. He had six marriages which were not considered to be an even travel for him throughout his livelihood as well as it is extremely recognized within the Australian communicational business. It is evident to know that he became very popular for promoting the beer brand throughout the different market segments of Australia. Future suggestions for the entrepreneur It is very important for an entrepreneur to look upon his traits and behavioral characterizes as these plays the most crucial role in developing effective leadership qualities for managing the concerned firm. There are some of the crucial recommendations as to implement the different leadership theories such as the transformational, participative as well as the transactional leadership styles (Gunzel-Jensen et al.2016). There are different tips from well-known researchers for the entrepreneurs to become successful. These are challenging you, caring for the work, taking the risk, believing in you, having the distinct and effective vision, finding the goods and the right people, facing the fears, taking effective actions, managing the time and building efficiency and effective team for the desired growth and expansion of the firm (Verbeke et al. 2011). There are different types of the business for which the entrepreneurs needs to be careful such s the selling businesses. Managing the e ntire firm is considered to be the primary responsibility of an entrepreneur as it helps in developing the effective team for carrying out the useful work. Participative style of leadership helps in taking an active part of the employees in the decision-making the process of the firm and therefore the entrepreneur needs to encourage the employees to take the active part in the decision king process of the firm (Halsall 2015). Development of the effective team helps to enhance the business process and brings out more profitability for the firm. Taking risks is another vital point for an entrepreneur which helps in expanding its respective business processes to a large extent. Conclusion John is one of the successful Australian entrepreneurs and was famous during his prime time. This paper revealed his history, growth, achievements and establishment of different businesses. There were three types of businesses developed by John Singleton; they were Radio, Hotels, horse racing, and Publishing. He had six marriages from which there were seven children. Expansion of the effectual team helps to augment the business method and brings out more productivity for any of the firm. The social as well as the cultural background generate vital impact on the minds of the individuals and affect their future career. There are certain theories such as the family orientation theory which highlights the sources for the respective entrepreneurial characteristics as well as the emergence of the different entrepreneurs. It is, therefore, recommended to develop effective leadership skills as to enhance the growth of the business to the international market segments. . Managing the complete firm is measured to be the primary duty of an entrepreneur as it helps in developing the effectual team for carrying out the useful work. References Disselkamp, L, (2009),No boundaries, Hoboken, N,J,: Wiley. Fabozzi, F, and Markowitz, H, (2011),The theory and practice of investment management, Hoboken, N,J,: John Wiley Sons. Ghaemi, S, (2011),A first-rate madness, New York: Penguin Press. Gunzel-Jensen, F, Jain, A, and Kjeldsen, A, (2016), Distributed leadership in health care: The role of formal leadership styles and organizational efficacy, Leadership. Halsall, R, (2015), The role of CEO (auto-) biographies in the dissemination of neo-ascetic leadership styles,Leadership. Holbeche, L, (2010),HR leadership, Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Kendrick, R, (2010),Cyber Risks for Business Professionals, Ely: IT Governance Pub. Mazzarol, T, (2014), Research review: A review of the latest research in the field of small business and entrepreneurship,Small Enterprise Research, 21(1), pp,2-13. Mohd Sidek, N, (2016),Proceedings of the ASEAN Entrepreneurship Conference 2014, Springer Singapore. Tiffany, P, Peterson, S, and Barrow, C, (2012), Business plans for dummies, Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Verbeke, A, Tavares, A, and Tulder, R, (2011), Entrepreneurship in the global firm, Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Lawyer Essays - Legal Professions, Practice Of Law, Legal Ethics
Lawyer A day in the life of an attorney. Its said that its the last job you'll ever want. (source 1) Over thirty percent of lawyers who receive their law degrees are not practicing law regularly ten years after graduation. Attorneys can work up to eighteen hours a day and more than three thousand hours in a year on cases. (source 1) Lawyers also spend time in law libraries or record rooms, in the homes and offices of clients, and sometimes in jail cells. (source 22) Some courts, such as small claims, family, or surrogate, may have evening hours to provide flexibility to the community. Criminal arraignments may be held at any time of the day or night. Court hours are usually 9:00 - 5:00 with a one hour lunch break for most lawyers and judges. (source 22) Many of them spend their first few years finding out if they want to focus on transactional work or not like a district attorney, prosecutor or probate lawyers. (source 1) The number of people in the profession of an attorney are about 656,000, the percentage of them that are male is 70%. The percentage of women is 30%. Average hours worked per week is about 50,average starting salary $49,000, after 5 years $80,000, after 10-15 years $115,000. (source 1) Lately salaries for lawyers have gone up. Law firms such as Elkins L.L.P announced this summer it would offer rookie attorneys $90,500 starting pay. (source 2) We are all competing for the same law students. (source 2) Now most of the other firms in Dallas decided that they must raise their salaries by 20% In order to attract first rate lawyers. (source 2) These firms exceed more then 400 lawyers. (source 2) For the first year,an inexperienced lawyer may be paid $75,000. (source 2) The strong economy and growing demand for lawyers in some corporate-law areas, such as finance, litigation and health care, are driving the fee to increases, Crocker said. (source 16) The key is getting the top talent. If your firm doesn't follow suit your firm will slowly disintegrate. All of the smaller firms are the required to raise their salaries also. (source 2) 46% of respondents rate them low to very low in honesty and ethical standards. (source 3) 70% of lawyers polled in 1992 said if they could they would choose another profession. (source 4) Other studies show lawyers job satisfaction is dropping.There is a much higher level of alcholism, drug abuse, and symptoms of depression than those of the general population. (source 4) There is also dirty work that lawyers must do. Some of that work includes listening to the secrets of clients that practitioners would rather not hear but which they must listen to and listen to very carefully. Lawyers as a group have a lot of cynicism and unease, often with good reason. (source 6) Whether the defendant is a accused Unabomber, a nanny or an Oklahoma City bombing suspect, the public craves insight into the latest sensational tale. But when people tune in to television's lawyer-commentators, insight isn't always what they get. (source 10) Legal Issues
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Capitalism and Democracy essays
Capitalism and Democracy essays The relationship that exists between capitalism and democracy is one that contradicts itself. It is obvious that the nations that follow the ideology of both capitalism and democracy are the nations that tend to be more industrialized and more economically stable, for example the United States and Canada. But yet there is a tension that exists between both capitalism and democracy. According to Bendix and Hobsbawm it is understood that there is conflict of interest between capitalists, those who want a market to be free to do what they want, and democrats, those who want to construct rights and freedoms for individual citizens. In this paper I will argue that the relationship between both capitalism and democracy is one of consistent and unending contradiction. Capitalism unleashes political, economical and social forces that progressively infringes upon democratic rights. This therefore creates social conflict that in turn leads to the extension of democracy. This conflict between capitalism and democracy can be found in many examples of political history from the electoral process to the French Revolution, to the Age of Empire and also the Russian Revolution. Even though capitalism and democracy seem to coexist, there remains a tension between both ideologies. Capitalism is based on the idea of industrializing and creating an economically stable society. Democracy, on the other hand, deals the idea of creating a society that allows for all citizens to remain equal through rights and freedoms. According to Bendix and Hobsbawm both ideologies contradict each other due to class structure. It is understood that there is two major classes in society, there is the rich (owners) and the poor (workers). The tension that exists is that capitalists want to create a better market, but in order to do so they must manipulate the democratic structure. Basically the capitalists want to influence the citizens of a democracy to not fight for rig...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children
5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children 5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children 5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children By Mark Nichol â€Å"I want to write a book for children†gets you about as far as saying, â€Å"I want to write fiction†or â€Å"I want to write nonfiction.†It’s a start, but only that. There are many forms and genres and age groups to consider, and though you can certainly move fluidly among them, what you’re going to write right now needs more focus. As you develop your ideas for a children’s book, be sure to answer these questions: 1. What do you want to write about? Is your book going to be autobiographical or semiautobiographical? Is it about a natural phenomenon, or a historical event, or a social issue? It is about a cultural or artistic topic? Write a sentence no longer than any of the ones in this paragraph that summarizes what the book is about. Or step back even further and try a tagline like the snappy phrase on a movie poster or a book’s back cover that encapsulates the theme. (The tagline for one story I’ve been working on is simply â€Å"Believe.†Another theme is â€Å"Friends don’t hesitate.†) 2. What form will the story take? Is the book nonfiction, explaining a scientific concept or exploring an issue from the past or present? Or is it going to be a fictional account of a scientific discovery or a story that takes place during a significant historical event or cultural movement? Either form may serve the subject matter well, but you must decide which one this project will take before you develop the narrative. 3. What’s the target demographic? â€Å"Children’s books†is a huge category. Are you writing for beginning readers, elementary school students, preteens, or adolescents? Will children of one gender or another be more likely to read your book? Is it directed toward a certain ethnic group (but written in such a way that others don’t feel excluded)? Research reading levels and match your book’s vocabulary to the intended age range. Decide who the ideal reader is, and check your work frequently to make sure you’re focusing on that child. If you repeatedly veer off, don’t try to force yourself to get back on target when it’s obviously not the right fit. Change the target. 4. What’s my word count? For very young children, picture books (generally 28 pages in a 32-page book with up to a few sentences on each page) are the norm. You should be able to tell your story or account in as little as a few dozen words for preschoolers to up to several hundred for seven- or eight-year-olds. Chapter books novels for readers this age or slightly older, might have up to a thousand words or so. Preteens can handle up to 40,000 words or so, and young teenagers about twice that; books for older adolescents, like those for adults, are often 100,000 words or more. 5. How do I want readers to feel? Basically, comfort young readers, and challenge older ones. For preadolescents of any age, nonfiction should not frighten children with stark facts about environmental crisis, for example, and fiction should not expose them to unhappy or uncomfortable circumstances. The violence and turmoil of the kind found in fairy tales and myths is acceptable, but real-life mayhem is off limits. Teenagers, on the other hand, are coming to grips with reality and can more or less handle more adult-themed materials as long as it’s not explicit or bleak. Psychological issues, familial and societal friction, and other mature themes are appropriate when handled evenhandedly. Even books for adolescents, however, should have upbeat conclusions. (Comeuppance for villains or reprobates is fine, but sympathetic characters, while they should be given obstacles and ordeals to overcome and can experience physical and psychological pain, should emerge from the story intact.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesAwoken or Awakened?Adverbs and Hyphens
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Safety class Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Safety class - Assignment Example Insufficient training has contributed to accidents. By maintaining the safe and healthy needs of the employees in a workplace, it leads to achievement of both the moral and legal obligation of the organization. Investing in excellent training of the employees is effective as it increases skills, knowledge and productivity as well as morale at the workplace (Clapper and Kong 373). In identifying the health and training needs, first is to identify the skills and knowledge needed for people to do their job in safe and healthy way then compared to current skills and knowledge hence helping in identifying the gaps. Risk assessment help in identify factors controlling the risks and previous experiences. Consider awareness-training needs for everyone in the organization on how to manage health and safety; who is responsible for what; how to identify hazards and "evaluate risks and the hazards encountered and measures for controlling them" (Brown 578). Formulation of occupational safety and health policies is a priority of every organization during operational activities. These policies form the backbone of effective organization management for better performance (Aguinis and Kraiger 474). The organization then formulates a plan to fulfill its safety, an effective management structure and arrangements should be in place for delivering the policy. Targets in meeting the safety and health objectives for all managers and employees should be set (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The principal objective of strengthening the community partnership Coursework
The principal objective of strengthening the community partnership - Coursework Example Based on this research strategic planning is all about making the right strategy to be induced in the planning process to make it more effective. It is extremely important to know the basic environment of Atlantic Cape Community College, its faculties, the teaching process, the facilities and the goals and objectives of the institution which is to be known as the best college in the city and be a centre of learning and career growth. The final report will be extensively discussing the need of the strengthening of community partnership and the strategy employed for achieving it. To attain this objective, there is a need for local strategy plan and international alliance with business communities and learning centers. The report will discuss with examples that how Atlantic Cape Community College will plan strategically to achieve the goal and objective. With the advent of internet marketing tools, the college can focus on its facilities being marketed well, the comfort and the pricing advantages businesses have in renting their facility, the kind of constant up-gradation they are doing to gain competitive advantage and giving the learning and business communities the best of infrastructural and lodging facilities. â€Å"In order to survive the difficulties ahead, colleges and universities must have more foresighted management. But at the same time, universities must maintain their decentralized form and capitalize on the entrepreneurship and idea-generating abilities of the faculty.†... ralized form and capitalize on the entrepreneurship and idea-generating abilities of the faculty.†(Keller, 1983) Keller has emphasized of the fact that strong leadership and entrepreneurship are the requisite area for the colleges to strategically plan and execute the college business partnership relation to newer heights. This will give a huge morale boost to the college as it goes on its quest for attaining the academic, learning and business excellence center of the region. SWOT Analysis The Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats give a detailed analysis of the overall strategic position of the organization. Based on this analysis, analyst and members of the institute can logically and strategically plan the execution of its business plans. Atlantic Cape Community college wants to strengthen their community partnership ties with companies, colleges and learning centers where they can avail the infrastructural facilities for conferences, meetings, lectures and knowled ge sharing programs. SWOT Analysis has already been dealt with in the earlier sections. This report will be taking up specific examples which are going to illustrate the analysis. Strength: Atlantic Cape Community College students were surveyed as part of the student’s Facilities and Services Satisfaction Survey 2011 where 7456 students were surveyed in 2010-11 out of which there were 156 respondents. 76% were satisfied with the overall facility at their campus. (Atlantic Cape Report, 2011). The college already has a reputation as a source of learning with facilities of a 500 seat theatre, 30 seat board room, lodging and restaurant / catering facilities & availability of satellite campuses in Atlantic & Cape May County. With the provision of advanced technology with Information Communications
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Nursing Home Administrator Essay Example for Free
The Nursing Home Administrator Essay The Nursing Home Administrator is the head of operations at a nursing home. The position requires licensure to practice in a state. Individual states have different requirements for licensure but generally people have proof of adequate education, experience, experience of guidance under preceptor. The licensure examination requirements covers basic topics of nursing home administration with Master’s degree or Gerontology. The Administrator manages personnel, processing of admissions, manages finances, and overseeing day to (1). There are moral, educational, and work experience requirements to meet prior to meeting with Board of Examiners of nursing home administrators. The moral character and suitability for licensure is a reflection of the ability for the individual needed to fulfill the responsibilities of nursing home administrator, competency, and ethical values. The educational requirements include a Baccalaureate or higher level of education including supplemental educational credits in education for long-term care, health care, gerontology, and personnel management from an accredited educational program. The selected educational course is to be completed with acceptable grades from an accredited institution. The selected courses are to be completed within a certain period of time to be eligible to take Nursing Home Administrator licensure exam. To meet requirements coursework, a 300 level class or higher, predominantly rich with inpatient, health care, and nursing home as Master’s degree in Health Care Administrator, Health Facility Administrator requiring certain number of hours of field experience or work experience as full-time Administrator of Record in a certain period of time prior to licensure. The work experience requirements include completing a 12 months approved internship. The full-time experience must include predominantly supervisory role for resident care, be a financially compensated position, and completed in a certain period of time. There are alternatives to the credit hours courses in nursing home administration are two or more years within five years as Administration of Record of nursing facility, have a current five years American College of Health Care Administration certification (2). The licensure exam requirements for Nursing Home Administration are completion of the former requirements, a passing score on the exam approved by the Board. The role of a nursing home administrator encompasses a broad spectrum of responsibilities. People skills and effectively communicating, on various levels, delegating tasks, overseeing residents with the quality of life and social programs available, and being able to multitask can be a rewarding position.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Cheating in School Versus Cheating in the Real World :: Business
Cheating in School Versus Cheating in the Real World Cheating has been a major concern for institutions of higher learning. Institutions fear cheating because of the reputation dishonest people will establish for that institution. After a student has learned several successful ways to cheat and not be caught, is he or she more likely to employ the same tactics in his or her workplace? The student will use those tactics, but in the real world, such acts are not called â€Å"cheating tactics,†but â€Å"business strategy.†Several years ago, Clemson University was approached by a perspective employer. A business man visited the school and announced that the company wanted to hire some new staff members. In order to be more selective of the persons to get called in for interviews, the man announced an online exam that the students must take. Depending on the results, the company would then get in touch with the individuals. One student that is very interested considers his options. He could choose to take the exam using his real name and receive a performance grade based on his knowledge of the tough material the exam would ask. Or, his second option: use a false identity, get the questions, go out to reliable sources and ask for answers, and then post answers to the exam under his real name. The student opted for the second option. He got the test questions, went to professors, searched online, and found as many of the answers as he could. He posted his answers. Within a week, the company representative called the student in for an interview. The first statement out of the interviewer’s mouth: â€Å"No one has ever scored that high on our online test.†The next: â€Å"How did you do it?†The student’s response began with â€Å"honestly†and he unveiled his unique plan to succeed on the test. The interviewer was shocked – no one had ever admitted to cheating on the online test before. A job was offered.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Impact of computer on society Essay
Positive: i) reducing cost / number of staff needed. ii) Reducing amount of hardware (printers) due to LAN networking. iii) Fun – games, Internet, music, graphics. iv) Communication. More ways to interact globally. v) Education – access to info for research. vi) 3rd world – cheaper to provide laptops thean to send books over (OLPC, etc).. Negative: i) Hardcore porn industry (including child porn) ii) Hackers, ID fraud and spoof websites, iii) Virusses, spam and trojans. iv) Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking. v) People unable to interact ‘in person’. vi) Online gambling. positive: computers help by saving time to do pretty much anything. tools are created to make things easier right? to save time. computers are tools. computers allow us to use the internet. you can focus on internet as well. no computers/no internet. and of course, internet also has a million ways it helps society such as helping people learn (people can read/research without having to spend time going to a library). that’s a very broad question as there’s tons of reasons. opens a new way of transportation (paperwork). communication (friends/family/business). saves space (filing). negative: safety. (info can easily be hacked, most important for companies or agencies that have classified information such as the fbi/army etc. also, stalkers). inappropriate content for kids, society relies too much on computers sometimes, so when a computer goes out, they can’t do anything. confusing for some of the older generation, and harder to get things done for them as some things can only be done on a computer now. some people never learn computers. gosh, there’s so many reasons!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Family Trip Essay
The most memorable vacation ever, was our family trip to Idaho two years ago. We were excited for weeks leading up to our departure from the Memphis International Airport. This was my husbands’ first time to fly. When the day finally came, he was extremely nervous, about the flight. I remember him telling me his stomach was in knots; he must have said I love you 25 times that day. The girls laughed at him all day, because they had flown in the past and knew there was nothing to be nervous about. I told him, that once we were in the air, looking down over the city would be absolutely beautiful. As we boarded the plane we could see the anticipation and excitement built up on his face. We settled into our seats, got our girls settled in, and away we went. From the air the buildings, roadways, and homes looked like a live monopoly board. My husband seemed to calm down and started to enjoy his first flying experience. He and I chatted throughout the flight about how gorgeous everything was from the blue skies. After a few hours and a hectic plane change, we made our much awaited decent in to the great city of Spokane, Washington. When we left Memphis, Tennessee, the temperature was a comfortable 45 degrees on December 19th. As we made our bumpy landing on the runway, the co-pilot announced that it was in the mere teens and the city was mostly snow covered. Coffman 2 We were extremely excited to see my parents which we had not seen in a year. Our family greeted each other with open arms and a few happy tears. My parents hurried to baggage claim ready to load us up and make the snowy ride to Priest River, Idaho. Throughout the drive from Spokane to Priest River, everything was covered in the prettiest, shiny, white snow we had ever seen. The road conditions were so different from what we are accustomed to in the south. The roadways were clear of snow and ice. This made the 100 mile drive very enjoyable. When we made it into Priest River, Idaho, we were surrounded by snowcapped mountains. This town was the prettiest place I’d ever seen. I felt like we were driving through a movie scene. The town had a homey atmosphere with a small grocery store, small auto repair shop, and people clearing sidewalks of snow. When we reached my parents road and the bottom of Moose Mountain, we started the climb up to my parents’ home. As we rounded the last curve on the mountain there sat a nostalgic log home overlooking the glistening Sand Pointe River. While on vacation our favorite tourist attraction was a secluded bed and breakfast that also gave sleigh rides. When we arrived we were greeted with hot coca and popcorn. The lounge area was totally covered in wall mounted wild game, and had a cozy warm fireplace sitting area. As well, there was a ten foot elaborately decorated Christmas tree. We had a great time taking family photographs by the tree. When it was time for the sleigh ride they provided us with heavy wool blankets and off we went. The sleigh was pulled by an amazing team of Belgian horses. It was painted fire engine red with shiny hand carved wooden seats. The trip around that mountain was surreal. Coffman 3 There were many attractions that we enjoyed while in Idaho. I am very thankful for that opportunity and the memories my family made. That vacation is one that we will never forget.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Unsavory History of Nutmeg Spice
The Unsavory History of Nutmeg Spice Today, we sprinkle ground nutmeg on our espresso drinks, add it to eggnog, or mix it into pumpkin pie filling. Most people probably dont particularly wonder about its origins, no doubt - it comes from the spice aisle in the supermarket, right? And fewer still stop to consider the tragic and bloody history behind this spice. Over the centuries, however, tens of thousands of people have died in the pursuit of nutmeg. What Is Nutmeg? Nutmeg comes from the seed of the Myristica frangans tree, a tall evergreen species native to the Banda Islands, which are part of Indonesias Moluccas or Spice Islands. The inner kernel of the nutmeg seed can be ground into nutmeg, while the aril (the outer lacy covering) yields another spice, mace. Nutmeg has long been valued not only as a flavoring for food but also for its medicinal properties. In fact, when taken in large enough doses nutmeg is a hallucinogen, thanks to a psychoactive chemical called myristicin, which is related to mescaline and amphetamine. People have known about the interesting effects of nutmeg for centuries; the 12th-century abbess Hildegard of Bingen wrote about it, for one. Nutmeg on the Indian Ocean Trade Nutmeg was well-known in the countries bordering the Indian Ocean, where it featured in Indian cooking and traditional Asian medicines. Like other spices, nutmeg had the advantage of being light-weight compared with pottery, jewels, or even silk cloth, so trading ships and camel caravans could easily carry a fortune in nutmeg. For the inhabitants of the Banda Islands, where the nutmeg trees grew, the Indian Ocean trade routes ensured a steady business and allowed them a comfortable living. It was the Arab and Indian traders, however, who got very wealthy from selling the spice all around the rim of the Indian Ocean. Nutmeg in Europe's Middle Ages As mentioned above, by the Middle Ages, wealthy people in Europe knew about nutmeg and coveted it for its medicinal properties. Nutmeg was considered a hot food according to the theory of humors, taken from ancient Greek medicine, which still guided European physicians at the time. It could balance cold foods like fish and vegetables. Europeans believed that nutmeg had the power to ward off viruses like the common cold; they even thought that it could prevent the bubonic plague. As a result, the spice was worth more than its weight in gold. As much as they treasured nutmeg, however, people in Europe had no clear idea of where it came from. It entered Europe through the port of Venice, carried there by Arab traders who portaged it from the Indian Ocean across the Arabian Peninsula and into the Mediterranean world... but the ultimate source remained a mystery. Portugal Seizes the Spice Islands In 1511, a Portuguese force under Afonso de Albuquerque seized the Molucca Islands. By early the next year, the Portuguese had extracted the knowledge from the locals that the Banda Islands were the source of nutmeg and mace, and three Portuguese ships sought out these fabled Spice Islands. The Portuguese did not have the manpower to physically control the islands, but they were able to break the Arab monopoly on the spice trade. The Portuguese ships filled their holds with nutmeg, mace, and cloves, all purchased for a reasonable price from the local growers. Over the next century, Portugal tried to build a fort on the main Bandanaira Island but was driven off by the Bandanese. Finally, the Portuguese simply bought their spices from middlemen in Malacca. Dutch Control of Nutmeg Trade The Dutch soon followed the Portuguese to Indonesia, but they proved unwilling to simply join the queue of spice shippers. Traders from the Netherlands provoked the Bandanese by demanding spices in return for useless and unwanted goods, like thick woolen clothing and damask cloth, which was completely unsuitable for tropical climes. Traditionally, Arab, Indian, and Portuguese traders had offered much more practical items: silver, medicines, Chinese porcelain, copper, and steel. Relations between the Dutch and Bandanese started out sour and quickly went down-hill. In 1609, the Dutch coerced some Bandanese rulers into signing the Eternal Treaty, granting the Dutch East Indies Company a monopoly on spice trade in the Bandas. The Dutch then strengthened their Bandanaira fortress, Fort Nassau. This was the last straw for the Bandanese, who ambushed and killed the Dutch admiral for the East Indies and about forty of his officers. The Dutch also faced a threat from another European power - the British. In 1615, the Dutch invaded Englands only foothold in the Spice Islands, the tiny, nutmeg-producing islands of Run and Ai, about 10 kilometers from the Bandas. The British forces had to retreat from Ai to the even smaller island of Run. Britain counter-attacked the same day, though, killing 200 Dutch soldiers. A year later, the Dutch attacked again and besieged the British on Ai. When the British defenders ran out of ammunition, the Dutch overran their position and slaughtered them all. The Bandas Massacre In 1621, the Dutch East India Company decided to solidify its hold on the Banda Islands proper. A Dutch force of unknown size landed on Bandaneira, fanned out, and reported numerous violations of the coercive Eternal Treaty signed in 1609. Using these alleged violations as a pretext, the Dutch had forty of the local leaders beheaded. They then went on to perpetrate genocide against the Bandanese. Most historians believe that the population of the Bandas was around 15,000 before 1621. The Dutch brutally massacred all but about 1,000 of them; the survivors were forced to work as slaves in the nutmeg groves. Dutch plantation-owners took control of the spice orchards and grew wealthy selling their products in Europe at 300 times the production cost. Needing more labor, the Dutch also enslaved and brought in people from Java and other Indonesian islands. Britain and Manhattan At the time of the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-67), however, the Dutch monopoly on nutmeg production was not quite complete. The British still had control of little Run Island, on the fringe of the Bandas. In 1667, the Dutch and British came to an agreement, called the Treaty of Breda. Under its terms, the Netherlands relinquished the far-off and generally useless island of Manhattan, also known as New Amsterdam, in return for the British handing over Run. Nutmeg, Nutmeg Everywhere The Dutch settled down to enjoying their nutmeg monopoly for about a century and a half. However, during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-15), Holland became a part of Napoleons empire and was thus an enemy of England. This gave the British an excellent excuse to invade the Dutch East Indies once again and try to pry open the Dutch stranglehold on the spice trade. On August 9, 1810, a British armada attacked the Dutch fort on Bandaneira. After just a few hours of fierce fighting, the Dutch surrendered Fort Nassau, and then the rest of the Bandas. The First Treaty of Paris, which ended this phase of the Napoleonic Wars, restored the Spice Islands to Dutch control in 1814. It could not restore the nutmeg monopoly, however - that particular cat was out of the bag. During their occupation of the East Indies, the British took nutmeg seedlings from the Bandas and planted them in various other tropical places under British colonial control. Nutmeg plantations sprang up in Singapore, Ceylon (now called Sri Lanka), Bencoolen (southwest Sumatra), and Penang (now in Malaysia). From there, they spread to Zanzibar, East Africa and the Caribbean islands of Grenada. With the nutmeg monopoly broken, the price of this once-precious commodity began to plummet. Soon middle-class Asians and Europeans could afford to sprinkle the spice on their holiday baked goods and add it to their curries. The bloody era of the Spice Wars came to an end, and nutmeg took its place as an ordinary occupant of the spice-rack in typical homes... an occupant, though, with an unusually dark and bloody history.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A New List of Anti-Suffragist Reasons
A New List of Anti-Suffragist Reasons Alice Duer Miller, a writer and poet, wrote a column in the early 20th century for the New York Tribune called Are Women People? In this column, she satirized the ideas of the anti-suffrage movement, as a way of promoting womens suffrage. These were published in 1915 in a book by the same name. In this column, she sums up reasons given by the anti-suffrage forces arguing against the womens vote. Millers dry humor comes through as she pairs reasons that contradict each other. Through this simple pairing of mutually contradictory arguments of the anti-suffrage movement, she hopes to show that that their positions are self-defeating. Below these excerpts, youll find additional information about the arguments made. Our Own Twelve Anti-Suffragist Reasons Because no woman will leave her domestic duties to vote.Because no woman who may vote will attend to her domestic duties.Because it will make dissension between husband and wife.Because every woman will vote as her husband tells her to.Because bad women will corrupt politics.Because bad politics will corrupt women.Because women have no power of organization.Because women will form a solid party and outvote men.Because men and women are so different that they must stick to different duties.Because men and women are so much alike that men, with one vote each, can represent their own views and ours too.Because women cannot use force.Because the militants did use force. Reasons #1 and #2 Arguments #1 and #2 are both based on the assumption that a woman has domestic duties, and is based on the separate spheres ideology that women belong in the domestic sphere, taking care of the home and the children, while men belong in the public sphere. In this ideology, women ruled the domestic sphere and men the public sphere- women had domestic duties and men had public duties. In this division, voting is part of public duties, and thus not a womans proper place. Both arguments assume that women have domestic duties, and both assume that domestic duties and public duties cannot both be attended to by women. In argument #1, its assumed that all women (all being an obvious exaggeration) will chose to stick with their domestic duties, and thus wont vote even if they win the vote. In argument #2, its assumed that if women are permitted to vote, that they will all then abandon completely their domestic duties. Cartoons of the time often emphasized the latter point, showing men for ced into domestic duties. Reasons #3 and #4 In arguments #3 and #4, the common topic is the effect of a womans vote on marriage, and both assume that husband and wife will discuss their votes. The first of these arguments assumes that if the husband and wife differ on how theyll vote, the fact that she is able to actually cast a vote will make for dissension in the marriage- assuming either that he wont care about her disagreement with his vote if he is the only one to cast a vote, or that she wont mention her disagreement unless shes permitted to vote. In the second, its assumed that all husbands have the power to tell their wives how to vote, and that the wives will obey. A third related argument, not documented in Millers list, was that women already had undue influence on voting because they could influence their husbands and then vote themselves, assuming apparently that women had more influence than men than vice versa. The arguments assume different outcomes when a husband and wife disagree about their vote: that the dissension will be a problem only if the woman can vote, that the woman will obey her husband, and in the third argument which Miller doesnt include, that the woman is more likely to shape her husbands vote than vice versa. Not all can be true of all couples who disagree, nor is it a given that husbands will know what their wives votes will be. Or, for that matter, that all women who will vote are married. Reasons #5 and #6 In this time period, machine politics and their corrupting influence was a common theme already. A few argued for the educated vote, assuming that many who were uneducated voted merely as the political machine wanted them to. In the words of one speaker in 1909, documented in the New York Times, The great majority of the Republicans and Democrats follow their leader to the polls as the children followed the Pied Piper. The domestic sphere ideology that assigns women to the home and men to public life (business, politics) is also assumed here. Part of this ideology assumes that women are more pure than men, less corrupt, in part because they are not in the public realm. Women who are not properly in their place are bad women, and thus #5 argues that they will corrupt politics (as if its not corrupt already). Argument #6 assumes that women, protected by not having the vote from the corrupting influence of politics, will become corrupted by participating actively. This ignores that if politics is corrupt, the influence on women is already a negative influence. One key argument of the pro-suffrage activists is that in corrupt politics, the pure motives of women entering the political realm will clean it up. This argument may be criticized as similarly exaggerated and based on assumptions about womens proper place. Reasons #7 and #8 Pro-suffrage arguments included that womens vote would be good for the country because it would lead to needed reforms. Because there was no national experience with what would happen if women could vote, two contradictory predictions were possible by those who opposed womens vote. In reason #7, the assumption was that women were not organized politically, ignoring their organization to win the vote, work for temperance laws, work for social reforms. If women werent organized politically, then their votes wouldnt be very different from those of men, and there would be no effect of women voting. In reason #8, the pro-suffrage argument about the influence of women in voting was seen as something to fear, that what was already in place, supported by the men who voted, could be overturned if women voted. So these two arguments were mutually incompatible: either women would have an effect on the outcome of voting, or they would not. Reasons #9 and #10 In #9, the anti-suffrage argument is back to the separate spheres ideology, that mens sphere and womens spheres are justified because men and women are so different, and thus women are necessarily excluded by their nature from the political realm including voting. In #10, an opposite argument is mustered, that wives will vote the same as their husband anyway, to justify that women voting is unnecessary because men can vote what was sometimes called at the time a family vote. Reason #10 is also in tension with arguments #3 and #4 which assume that wife and husband will often have disagreement about how to vote. Part of the separate spheres argument was that women were by nature more peaceful, less aggressive, and thus unsuited to the public sphere. Or, in contrast, the argument was that women were by nature more emotional, potentially more aggressive and violent, and that women were to be relegated to the private sphere so that their emotions would be held in check. Reasons #11 and #12 Reason #11 assumes that voting sometimes is related to the use of force- voting for candidates who might be pro-war or pro-policing, for instance. Or that politics itself is about force. And then assuming that women are by nature unable to be aggressive or support aggression. Argument #12 justifies being against women voting, pointing to the force used by British and later American suffrage movements. The argument calls up images of Emmeline Pankhurst, women smashing windows in London, and plays into the idea that women are to be controlled by keeping them in the private, domestic sphere. Reductio ad absurdum Alice Duer Millers popular columns on the anti-suffrage arguments often played on similar reductio ad absurdum logical argument, attempting to show that if one followed all the anti-suffrage arguments, an absurd and untenable result followed, as the arguments contradicted each other. The assumptions behind some arguments, or the conclusions predicted, were impossible to both be true. Were some of these strawman arguments- that is, a refutation of an argument that wasnt really being made, an inaccurate view of the other sides argument? When Miller characterizes the opposing arguments as implying that all women or all couples would do one thing, she may move into strawman territory. While sometimes exaggerating, and perhaps weakening her argument if she were in a merely logical discussion, her purpose was satire- to highlight through her dry humor the contradictions inherent in the arguments against women getting the vote.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Report on an operational problem from the real world with a focus in Essay
Report on an operational problem from the real world with a focus in FINANCE - Essay Example The company has been forced to recall the cars because part of the engine cylinder overheats and cracks due to stress. This causes oil leakages onto the exposed, hot engine parts and causes fires. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported at least thirteen engines Ford engine fires in the United States and one in Canada caused by cracked cylinder heads. Approximately 11,500 cars that were recalled in July 2012 were splitting and leaking gasoline due to fault fuel lines (Jensen, 2013). In 2013, Ford had recalled almost all Escape models for carpet padding, which interfered with the use of the brake pedal. Other reasons for increased recalls by Ford include fixing engine plugs leak and fixing child locks. The Supply Chain Management tools that can be applied to the problem include sigma-sigma, lean manufacturing, and assembly line balancing. The company expects to reduce the number of car recalls by 87% after applying the three management tools. Keywords: Ford Motor C ompany, cars, Six-Sigma, defective Background Information The Ford Company recalls problem was retrieved from a business articles. The author of the article was Christopher Jensen. The article is entitled Ford Discloses Two New Recalls for the 2013 Escape and was published on November 27, 2013 by the New York Times news agency. Ford Motor Company is an American International automaker with headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan (Flory, 2013). The company manufactures and sells commercial vehicles under the Ford brand name and luxurious cars under the Lincoln brand. Ford invented strategies for large-scale manufacturing of cars and management of an industrial workforce using elaborately engineered manufacturing sequences characterized by assembly lines. The company’s net income as at the end of December 12, 2012 was US$ 5,665,000 (Flory, 2013). According to Flory (2013), Ford Motor Company is the second-largest automaker in the United States, and the fifth worldwide based on the 2 012 vehicle sales. Currently, Ford has more than 90 plants and 213,000 employees. Problem Description The primary problem of Ford Motor Company is how to improve assembly processes in order to reduce the number of car recalls. Car recalls occur because the company manufactures and assembles cars with several defects such as oil leakages, defective braking systems, and unfixed special locks, leading to repeats and repairs. Repeat manufacturing and repairs causes companies to incur additional manufacturing costs, which reduce the company’s profits and increase the losses (Hull, 2011). Additionally, increasing car recalls is scaring away both current and prospective customers, leading to widespread market reduction. The company needs to adopt proper manufacturing, operation and management tools/concepts in order to achieve zero defects and reduce the amount of reworks. Operations and Supply Chain Management Concepts/tools to be used1.5 Six-sigma Six-Sigma is a set of tools and t echniques for operations and process improvement; it seeks to improve the quality of the processes by using a set of quality management methods such as statistical methods to create special infrastructure of people within the organization (Desai, 2010). Manufacturing companies that need to improve manufacturing processes and achieve zero defects apply Six-Sigma quality tools. Hull (2011) argues that using six-Sigma methodologies such as
Friday, November 1, 2019
TMAN Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
TMAN Term Paper - Essay Example re support for open architecture-server based platform; support for open OS like Linux, inter-operability with legacy and multi vendors over open standards; VoIP support (H323, SIP) and integration of converged applications like UMS.†(Gold book: Technology options, 2003, para.2). Coming to its disadvantages, it is slow and is uneconomical and could be difficult to use in regions where barriers are present. The use of EPABX could be severally compromised when noise and lack of clarity could result in it becoming a non entity and over long distance telephony which is as expensive as unfriendly. Before taking up the aspect of upgrading conventional telephone systems, it is necessary to define and understand what a unified communication system really means. It is the integration of real-time communication services like instant messages (chat), presenting information, IP Telephony, video conferencing, speech recognition and dealing with unified systems like voicemail, e-mail, SMS, facsimile machines. Rather than being seen as a single product, unified communication system refers to a group of products and services which is aimed at achieving consistency in unifying and also in the improved user interfacing. A unified communication system can be gainfully employed in the business process integration. Thus, the main aspects of UC would be to dispense with laborious and time consuming PBX models and have an integrated, electronic state-of-the-art computer based telephony system that could address modern aspects of speed, efficiency and real time use of modern Electronic Communication Systems. What UCS seeks to achieve is in terms of dramatic cost savings, reduction in time and labor and quick and speedy telecommunication systems, not only within the enterprise but outside it. Under such systems, it is possible to communicate effortlessly and speedily with employees and vendors, situated in far off contract work sites or in distant places in different parts of the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Strategic asset management plan University of glamorgan Essay
Strategic asset management plan University of glamorgan - Essay Example The University of Glamorgan is totally committed towards providing a high class learning environment to include e-learning, tutor facilitation and employment of cutting edge learning facilities to enable the students to benefit academically and socially. Thus it is felt that prospective employers should be eager to acquire the skills which have been developed in students by an intense and stimulating academic programme. This should also create an aspiration for growth and success in the students. These are no doubt laudable strategic objectives for any learning institution which deem to foster growth of the establishment with a view to benefit its primary stake holder, the student. The twin perspectives of providing employment in the immediate time frame on leaving the establishment and creating an urge for sustained personal and professional growth in the students are also laudable. A Strategic Asset Management plan flows from the priorities set by the University for sustained devel opment. The strategic priorities of Glamorgan University have been summarized as follows:- Enhance the overall nature and quality of student experience Improve the quality of student intake. A high grade research and consultancy profile should be developed and post graduate activity should be expanded. Infra structure should be improved. People based quality improvements should be undertaken. Contribute to the regional as well as the strategic partnership agenda. Contribute to Glamorgan's equal opportunities and social inclusion agenda. Provide an international profile to Glamorgan's reputation. Provide a favorable e-world information and communications development programme. (Strategy: 2006). An analysis of the strategic objectives of the University will reveal that assets form an important facet for its attainment. While some of the aims as improvement of infra structure are primary to development of assets, others such as improving the quality of intake and enriching experience of students will to a large extent be dependent on the ability of the University to have a much sought after ambience of learning. The overall goals of contribution to the larger community in Wales are also dependent on contribution to the environment at large. While maintaining an international
Monday, October 28, 2019
Effect of Marriage on Mental Health
Effect of Marriage on Mental Health Sara Zafarullah Sheikh (GN12119) According to World Health Organization, an individual with good mental health is able to cope with the stress of everyday life, knows his or her own abilities and work productively in every aspect to contribute to the community. On the other hand marriage is defined as a union of husband and wife in a universal and legitimate relationship recognized by law and social institution (Watkins, 2013). Both of them have a big influence over each other and are affected by each other (Ostwald, 2009) In my view marriage contributes to a healthier society, building up a separate unit called family, which is at the same time part of the society as a whole. This serves society by its children, by labor of its members and through other aspects. It provides keeping of traditions and continues generations promoting cultural aspect of society. Therefore, it is regarded as pillar to the society. Goesling Avellar (2010) states marriage to contribute to an individual’s emotional and social benefits in all aspects thus contributing its part in physical health as well. Regardless of the fact, marriage is considered to be not meant for psychiatric patients considering them not capable of taking responsibilities, dangerous for the spouse and lacking of their self-identity, adding it to their social stigma (Gray, 2011). While negotiating with my patient, I recognized the seriousness of this issue and decided to reflect upon it so as to emphasize the importance of marriage in society and its mental health benefits. On my clinical rotation to Karachi Psychiatric Hospital, I was assigned to interview an old lady; 42 years old diagnosed with Schizophrenic paranoid with symptoms of aggressiveness, hallucinations, somatic delusions, irritability and self-talk. Upon interaction she appeared responsive and cooperative. According to the patient, she was accompanied to the hospital by her mother. On taking the family history, patient verbalized of having four sisters and one brother. She further verbalized that all her siblings are married. According to the client only she was not allowed by her mother to get married regardless of her wish of getting married like her other sisters. Upon close observation she seemed to be attracted towards opposite sex. She even took some names that she verbalized of getting married with but eventually also said, â€Å"they will not marry me.†No indicators for sexual abuse were found which clearly reflected her need and wish of getting into a secure relationship that provides her with support and identity, which was now a requirement of her age as well. She verbalized her engagement in the substance abuse due to this reason. Glancing at the cultural context, parents hold the complete authority for choosing partners for their children in eastern culture whereas, in western culture children have the right to choose their mate and made decisions for their future life. Nock proposed the theory of domesticating role of marriage to explain the phenomenon that married people are found to consume healthful and delighted lives than unmarried compeer (2005). As the institution oblige responsibility on both of the spouses and implies assurance to both of them creating a huge room for positive change. Men tend to change, as before marriage they live less healthy lives and are much more involved in dangerous behaviors including substance abuse drinking and car racing. They work regularly, have a tendency to involve more in religious practices and become future oriented. Women are generally viewed to be responsible since childhood and less involved in anti-social behaviors. According to Loveless Tolman (2007) women think about themselves complete after marriage. Women enjoy commitments and duties after marriage, they love being busy with children, spouse and household chores. If this sensorium of completeness is not achieved they get indulged in anti-social behaviors example, substance abuse and are prone towards mental illness. Wood (2007), inferred that unmarried women show more depressive symptoms than the ones married. My patient also wanted to live like a married women enjoying all commitment a marital life embraces. As she could not achieve the outright goal she started using substance abuse to diminish the emotion of unsatisfaction. Marriage contributes to mental health by providing subsequent support and emotional intimacy, creating sense of self-identity and self-worth, building a satisfied connection between two partners, making the innate human need to fulfill (Wood, 2007). According to Howell (2009), report on marriage and mental health, product of many random sample studies revealed that marriage makes individuals less prone to have psychological illness. Marriage ensures engagement of partners in less risk taking activities and also it influences the quality and size of gains. A study revealed that intermediate rates of mental disorders were found in widowed, highest in divorced and separated while married people had the lowest rates among them. Study of 80,000 suicides in U.S, also indicated that suicide is committed less by married women compared to unmarried ones. They define themselves less depressive and emotionally healthier than unmarried ones. Relating it to my clinical scenario the patient also r equired emotional stability, self-worthiness, a partner to whom she can share her emotions, and her own family. Neither had she wanted the illness nor loneliness. Therefore, she started saying that she is suffering from tuberculosis associated with somatic delusions denying the fact that she had any mental health problem. In society specifically Pakistani society, mental illness is considered as social stigma leaving it to be neglected. Interventions should be applied on individual, group and national level. At individual level clients should be allowed to ventilate their feelings providing them with support. In association with the health care professionals at group level these patients should be involved in different rehabilitation therapies to work with their creativities and find out strengths in them using therapeutic way of communication, which would help them enhance their self-esteem and build sense of self worthiness. Embroiling my patient in the occupational therapy I asked her to bore seeds for new plant to build a hope and see new sunrises in her life. Family support plays an essential role for these people to view their lives in positive face. At community level institutions should be formed to gather these people helping each other to fill unfilled gaps of their lives. At state level pol icies should be formulated for unmarried suffering from mental illness. To conclude it is important to realize the potential need of every person for a companion, the intimate love one needs in life. According to Carl Rogers, this is human’s basic nature of an intrinsic need of warmth and acceptance from the mate. Each and every one has a right to have partner, and declaring a person not mentally fit and therefore, not allowing the person to get married makes the person more prone to mental illness. References Australian Institute of Family Studies, Vaus,D.D. (2002).Marriage and mental health. Howell,P. (2009).Healthy marriages and mental health. Hurvitz,N., Straus,R.A. (1991).Marriage and Family Therapy: A Sociocognitive Approach. Sydney, Australia. Mathis,D. (2012).Preparing for Marriage: Desiring God Foundation. Mishra,D.K., Alreja,S., Sengar,S.K., Singh,A.R. (2009). Insight and its relationship with stigma in psychiatric patients.Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 18(1). Pollett,H. (2007, June 18).Mental Health Promotion: A literature Review. Scott,L.A., Holman,T.B. (2007).The Family in the New Millennium: World Voices Supporting the Natural Clan. Simon,R.W. (2012, July 23). The Relationship between Marriage and Mental Health. Psychiatry Weekly,7(14). Wilson,C.M., Ostwald,A.J. (2005, May).How Does Marriage Effect Physical and Psychological Health? A Survey of the Longitudinal Evidence. Wood,R.G., Goesling,B., Avellar,S. (2007).The Effects of Marriage on Heath: A Synthesis of Recent Research Evidence(9). Department of Human and Health Services.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Michael Moore :: essays research papers
Michael Moore ‘Michael Moore is one of the most popular but also one of the most feared and hated people in America’. Why is this? Michael Moore is seen by the American society as a representative to the people, or as a public disturbance, expressing the views of an ‘average American’ to the rest of the world, in such mediums as film, text, presentations and interviews. There are many reasons to Michael Moore’s popularity and hate, which all come from his productions and beliefs. The way Moore delivers his information to the society comes in many different forms, and strikes up many different views upon his opinion as well. The views that arise in Michael Moore’s ideas and plans are taken to a higher scale than the ordinary American citizen and people fear Moore will run in politics one day. Some of his words are controversial, others pure fact and some statements are stretched far out of context. Many of Michael’s ideas run through his film, Bowling for Columbine, his multiple press/film conferences and award ceremonies and many interviews with highly ranked people. Focusing on this film, many issues and themes are present from a single movie length feature. Michael Moore raises such issues as violence, crime and killings, but most importantly, gun laws. Michael Moore presents information and facts to the people, because they need to know. Michael strongly believes in this, as many people can see, how Moore mercilessly uses his tricks and taunts to lure out important pieces of information from his interviewees, and making fools of them. With this point, it is one of the main reasons why Michael Moore is one of the most feared or hated people in America. With many different groups having their own opinions upon this man, Michael believes himself to be informing the people about issues he himself would like to know about. And no matter how this information is drawn out, he is there to present it. Throughout his movie ‘Bowling for Columbine’, Michael uses a different variety of ways to present his information to the viewers, including dramatic, humorous, shocking, satirical ways to convey his message.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The movie Super Size Me
The movie Super Size Me, is an in your face way of making people realize how the fast food industry is negatively affecting our nation. The surgeon general has declared the increasing rates of obesity an â€Å"epidemic†. In this documentary movie, Morgan Spurlock conducts an experiment, to investigate if indeed, fast food is the correlation to our nations obesity epidemic. The movie has severally bonus features such as an interview with Eric Schlosser, the author of Fast Food Nation, and an interview with Phil Lawler about the PE 4 Life program. As well as, The Smoking Fry, an interesting experiment looking at the decomposition of food. The movie Super Size Me, and all of its bonus features, revolves around two main components, the importance of nutrition and physical activity. I. Fast Food Nation The interview between Morgan Spurlock and Eric Schlosser discusses how fast food is processed and flavored, the unhealthy agricultural settings, obesity trends and how both the government and the people need to make a change for the better. I was appalled by the information provided in the interview, I had a basic idea of all the concepts but did not realize how extream they were. I can easily say that after knowing how fast food is made I have no interest at all in eating it. The fact that while in feed lots, cattle are pilled in fecal matter which can make it into the hamburgers that we eat, and that is why there is a higher increase in poisoning and disease from eating fast food. I think that is absolutely disgusting and it should not be allowed. I definitely will read the book Fast Food Nation, if this short interview opened my eyes this much; I am very interested to see how the book will make me feel. II. PE4LIFE Phil Lawler pointed out that, Illinois is the only state that enforces mandatory physical education k-12. During his interview talked about the PE4Life program, how it refocuses testing based on a healthy zone, that physical activity is the â€Å"fertilizer†for the brain, and the importance of creating a pattern and habit of exercising. PE4Life departs from the traditional approach to physical education by not focusing on traditional sports, but rather physical activities that assures every child is active. Testing in the PE4Life program assesses results on whether the students â€Å"does it well enough that he/she is considered healthy. While the traditional program assesses testing based on what percentile the student falls into compared to their peers. If the State of Michigan were to adopt a serious daily approach to physical education, such as the PE4Life program the outcome would be extremely beneficial to the students overall heath. We discussed in class how students in Michigan do not meet the set goal of exercising five times a week for thirty minutes at a time. Also, how forty percent of children in MI are currently over weight. The end of the Super Size Me video made it a point to state that Detroit is now the fattest city in the United States. Obviously something needs to be done to change these trends, implementing mandatory physical education k-12; using a PE4Life philosophy may be exactly what Michigan students need. III. The Smoking Fry The Smoking Fry was an experiment conducted by Morgan Spurlock to examine how different McDonalds food items and less artificially enhanced flood items would decompose after periods of time. I thought that all of the different food items would start to mold after about a week, and they all would get worse as more time went by. I just assumed that food that wasn’t frozen or at least refrigerated started to mold after a period of time. My reaction to the results was disgust; it made me wonder what kind of crazy chemicals are in those fries that they do not show any signs of molding after ten weeks. I think that as our bodies decompose food we ingest from fast food chains it is exposed to the many chemicals preservatives put in the food, and does not receive the proper nutrients. I would also assume that the same logic would apply from the experiment, to our bodies, meaning that it is more difficult for the body to decompose fast food as opposed to more natural foods. My mother eats mostly all organic food whenever possible, so when my birthday came she was going to make a cake from scratch like usual. I told he that I would rather have a funfetti box cake instead; begrudgingly she made the cake for me. Not without going on and on about how bad it is for you, and how many chemicals, and ingredients you cant even pronounce and in it and that not even like eating a real cake. What was interesting and supports the results from the Smoking Fry is that, she pointed out to me that after a month of sitting in the tupperware not a speck of mold was on it. Processed foods contain so many preservatives that they may never mold, for instance a Twinkie has no expiration date, I think that is absolutely crazy. The fact that processed foods are filled with so many chemicals to they have a longer shelf life should be a good indication as to how bad they are for your body. IV. Movie Super Size Me The movie Super Size Me is a documentary by Morgan Spurlock. In this movie Spurlock undertakes eating nothing but McDonalds for thirty days, to determine if fast food is the fast track to becoming obese and if its unreasonably dangerous. Spurlock had a set of rules for the month; can only super size when asked, can only eat food from McDonalds water included, has to eat everything on the menu at least once, and he must eat three meals a day, lastly limit the amount of steps per day. Before the experiment Spurlock consulted with a cardiologist, gastrologist, and a general practitioner, all three doctors concluded that he was currently physically healthy. The doctors said that increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels, weight gain, and an increased risk for heart disease were expected outcomes of this experiment. The actual end results of the experiment where much more serous than expected. Spurlock gained twenty four and a half pounds, the liver had basically turned to fat, cholesterol shot up sixty five points, body fat percentage increased seven percent, he doubled his risk for heart disease and failure, felt exhausted and depressed, experience rapid mood sings, had a non existent sex life, and developed an addiction, he craved more and more and had headaches when he did not eat the food. There was a point where he considered stopping short of the thirty days because his health being seriously affected. The movie addressed the lack of regards to the state of our nations physical education programs. Again it was stated that Illinois is the only state that makes physical education mandatory k-12. Brain Philips a physical education teacher stated that students in his elementary school only receive physical education one day a week for forty-five minutes. According to the surgeon general, a person needs to be physical active thirty minutes a day, every day to maintain your weight and a healthy well-being. The Nations schools are not close to implementing these standards, and its only getting worse. In 2001 while President Bush was in office he created the No Child Left Behind reform. Due to this reform schools cut recess time, heath, nutrition, and physical education classes back to allow for more time to prepare for the more â€Å"academic†classes. Naperville, Illinois setting the standards for the model program of physical education because they are creating an awareness in the community about the importance of physical activity, and in turn receiving the support to make the PE4Life program possible. In my opinion other states are not pushing to adopt this model due to the No Child Left Behind reform, lack of effort, fear of change, and the financial expenses. Physical education should be of the utmost importance for individuals making decisions about education in Michigan. Detroit is heaviest city in the United States. From class lecture we no that in Michigan forty percent of children are over weight compared to thirteen to fourteen percent Nationally. It can no longer be ignored; it must be addressed by the school systems, to stop this growing epidemic of obesity. This movie mad an impact on how I view fast food. I do not consume fast food on a regular bases, but occasionally when I am starving and I do not have time, or am not around to cook something, I will eat it. That is definitely going to change, after watching this how could you eat fast food, its disgusting. When I have children of my own, I will not allow them to eat fast food, except on very rare occasions. I grew up with a mother that always cooks dinner, buys organic food, and has always been very couscous on the making sure I eat a balanced diet. I plan to use the same nutritional approach with my own children. V. Conclusions After viewing Supper Size Me, my position of consuming fast food still stands, as it not being a healthy choice. Proper nutrition directly related to a persons heath, and with a sufficient amount of physical activity a person is at their optimal level of overall health. After watching Super Size Me, and its bonus features, it opened my eyes wider to both the importance of nutrition and physical activity, and how the Nation is in a fight against obesity epidemic. I do now think that eating fast food is truly the fast track to obesity. I now will make a more conscious decision about the things I am eating. My periodic fast food visits will be eliminated, and I will try to stay away from all process foods, anything with artificial flavoring, and definitely increase my eating of organic foods.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marvell vs Herrick
Youth comes around once in a lifetime and it’s not something you can save for later. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†by Andrew Marvell and â€Å"To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time†by Robert Herrick portray the underlying theme of carpe diem or â€Å"seize the day,†enjoying life to the fullest. Both of these poems mainly try to pursue women who have grand beauty to realize the advantage of their good looks when young, before time takes a toll on their beauty.Both poets use their words to convince someone to act, in this case to savor youth, virginity and beauty; they are trying to convince young virgins to live life to the fullest potential. Marvell and Herrick poems share the same theme and central belief but have different audience and use different ways to express their ideas. Both poems use carpe diem as their major theme. Herrick's poem portrays carpe diem by citing the shortness of life and persuading young women to marry and enjoy life taking advantag e before death takes its turn.He says â€Å"gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying†, which shows that the virgins in this case referred to as rosebuds are just beginning to live and don’t have any experience yet, but time flies and one ages fast by so it’s better to enjoy the good years while there is time (Herrick 1-2). Carpe diem is used from the beginning In Marvell’s poem, â€Å"Had we but world enough, and time this coyness, lady, were no crime†saying that even though he wants all the time in the world to spend with her, there isn't enough so she is committing a crime by making him wait for her virginity (Marvell 1-2).By stating to live life to its fullest potential he wants to persuade his mistress to a sexual relationship. â€Å"To The Virgins, to Make Much of Time†uses the meaning of carpe diem by encouraging young women to make use of their time by finding love while young and getting married before they get o ld and lose their beauty. Marvell and Herrick encourage young women to seize the day and don’t pass up chances since opportunities are hard to find. Marvell and Herrick’s poems share a central belief that young virgins should not wait to have sex because nobody knows what the future holds.Both poets want to idealize that tomorrow may never come, so it’s better to do it now and not wait because of coyness. They use death and getting old as the excuse to not lose time and make use of virginity when young. Marvell tries to lure a woman into sleeping with him by using time as a defense to experience pleasure now, he tells her that time is running out and â€Å"Now let us sports us while we may, and now, like amorous birds of prey†making use of their strength and youth to consummate their love (Marvell 37-38). He tries to convince the mistress that it is better to have sex now than to save her virginity for the future.Herrick recommends to all virgins to make use of the youth and to find love and enjoy life’s pleasures because old age is near. He emphasizes to not waste time as he feels women are their best at their prime, when they are young and untainted saying â€Å"then be no coy, but use your time, and, while ye may, go marry†(Herrick 13-14). The idea in both poems is to take advantage of being young and beautiful because times flies and people get old sooner than later. Marvell and Herrick dedicate the poems to a different audience. Marvell is writing specially to his mistress trying to woo her with promises of everlasting love.Herrick however, dedicates his poem to young virgins and wants to give them the idea of marriage while love and flesh is young to not have to suffer in the later years of life and not be lonely. In the beginning of To His Coy Mistress†, Marvell praises his woman writing how her modesty wouldn’t affect them if time was not an issue, but it is. He states she is a virgin because she is coy and later begins to diminish her ideals and beauty with aging and death saying â€Å"then worms shall try that long-preserved virginity, and your quaint honor turn to dust,†to state there is no reason for her to keep her virginity till the grave (Marvell 27-29) .Everything in Marvell’s poem is about his wishes to enjoy sexual pleasure with this woman and does everything in his power to scare her of dying without having sex first. Herrick’s poem is about the urgency and duty for the virgins to go forth and marry while young and beautiful before everything is loss with time and old age, warning them of the sufferings that come if they fail to listen to his advice. Marvell and Herrick use different ways to express their ideas on the poems.In â€Å"To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time,†Herrick uses a rather short poem to make his point short and simple versus the long and descriptive â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†by Marvell. Herrick focuses in an optimistic look to take advantage of youth and has basic and warmth imagery to state that beauty fades over the years and the effects of wasting time. On the other hand, Marvell’s poem is more detailed, beautiful and at the same time dark to suggest the mistress she shouldn't waste her youth and virginity while she is at the prime of her life.He uses ugly and realistic ideas to snap the mistress out the notion of eternal love to finally lure her to make love with him and make time the last thing on their minds. Marvell is more in-depth and emotional while Herrick is calm and regretful. Both poems compare to each other by using the underlying theme of carpe diem, making the most of each moment before old age and beauty disappears. Marvell is very emotional and persuasive while Herrick is less personal giving useful advice to young people. To His Coy Mistress†is an expression of Marvell ‘s most deeply rooted impulses, how he feels about the ideas the lady has abou t losing her virginity, and the fact he wants to spend time loving her and adoring her in bed. â€Å"To The Virgins, to Make Much of Time†is a poem about the wishes of Herrick for the youth to realize that now it’s their time and to not waste any amount because of coyness, addressing his thoughts to the young generation to have a fulfilled life, to not be shy of trying new things as those who are not afraid are the ones who will enjoy the most.Works Cited Marvell, Andrew. â€Å"To his coy mistress. †The Seagull Reader Poems. Ed. Joseph Kelley. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. , 2008. 220-222. Print. Herrick, Robert. â€Å"To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. †The Seagull Reader Poems. Ed. Joseph Kelley. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. , 2008. 159-160. Print.
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